Needs to be copied to the "Plugins" folder, not the "Plugin" folder as per the folder structure of the SVN.
For those of you still having issues with where to put it or can't get on to the Discord, basically, start again, clear your cache. Start a new folder, SVN the original link into it, as per normal, then copy this folder, into C:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\Honorbuddy\Plugins, or where ever you have HB installed. Once this is done, you can start the bot as per normal, make sure to select the WORLD QUEST from Plugins (This gives you your options) and load the autoloader, as you normally would - but keep in mind it is probably kept in the Plugins folder. Goodluck! As for Zim, thank you so much for not charging an exorbitant amount and making a very successful bot. Cheers!
Hi. I still have no fix to my problem : [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something Done everything that says in this forum, with updating svn and getting the plugin and everything, nothing happens. pls help me
Inside the same folder as your Plugins one etc there is one called cache, just delete whatever is in there!
last update added some compile error PS: DIscrd invite not work anymore on first Thread. Code: [WQ] World Quest Auto Loader $Rev: 877 $2 compiler errors encountered in profile '[WQ] World Quest Auto Loader $Rev: 877 $' 'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 49 has following errors with code: public class Settings : Styx.Helpers.Settings { public static readonly string _settingsPath = Path.Combine(CharacterSettingsDirectory, "Profiles", "NuokWorldQuestSettings.xml"); private static Settings _instance; public static Settings Instance => _instance ?? (_instance = new Settings()); public Settings() : base(_settingsPath) { } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWanted { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoPvP { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoDangerQuests { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoElite { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWorldBosses { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool DoProfessions { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWorkOrders { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool ArtifactPower { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Equipment { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Blood { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool OrderHall { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Gold { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Items { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Azsuna { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Valsharah { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Stormheim { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Suramar { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Highmountain { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool EyeofAzshara { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Dalaran { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool TheWardens { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool CourtOfFarondis { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool KirinTor { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool HighmountainTribe { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool TheNightfallen { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Valarjar { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Dreamweavers { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool SkipHBRelog { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool SVNUpdate { get; set; } } private HashSet<int> GetWorldQuestsByZone(int zone) { var lua = $@"SetMapByID({zone}) local ids = {{}} local taskInfo = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID({zone}) if (taskInfo) then for i, info in ipairs(taskInfo) do if HaveQuestData(info.questId) then if QuestMapFrame_IsQuestWorldQuest(info.questId) then tinsert (ids, info.questId ) end end end end return unpack(ids)"; var getResult = Lua.GetReturnValues(lua); var list = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (var r in getResult) { list.Add(Lua.ParseLuaValue<int>(r)); } return list; } public Dictionary<int, int> WorldQuest = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public void Update() { WorldQuest.Clear(); var zones = new HashSet<int> { 1015, 1018, 1024, 1017, 1033, 1096, 1014 }; foreach (var z in zones) { var quest = GetWorldQuestsByZone(z); foreach (var q in quest) { var t = QuestRewardType(q); //return error = 0, gold = 1, artifactpower = 2, items = 3, blood = 4, currency = 5 if(t==1) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Gold"); if(t==2) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Artifact Power"); if(t == 3) { var rewards = GetReward(q); Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Item {rewards[0]} {rewards[1]}"); } if(t==4) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Blood of Sargeras"); if(t==5) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Order Hall Resources"); if(t == 6) { var rewards = GetReward(q); Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Equipment {rewards[0]} {rewards[1]}"); } WorldQuest.Add(q, t); } } } public bool OnQuest(int id) { return WorldQuest.ContainsKey(id); } public bool HasPlugin => PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "WorldQuestHelper") != null; public void EnablePlugin() { var plugin = PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "WorldQuestHelper"); if (plugin == null) return; plugin.Enabled = false; plugin.Enabled = true; } public void Log(string text) { Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DodgerBlue, "[WQ] " + text); } public bool ZoneEnabled(int zoneId) { if(zoneId == 1015) return Settings.Instance.Azsuna; if(zoneId == 1018) return Settings.Instance.Valsharah; if(zoneId == 1017) return Settings.Instance.Stormheim; if(zoneId == 1033) return Settings.Instance.Suramar; if(zoneId == 1024) return Settings.Instance.Highmountain; if(zoneId == 1096) return Settings.Instance.EyeofAzshara; if(zoneId == 1014) return Settings.Instance.Dalaran; return false; } public int QuestRewardType(int questId) { var questLua = $@"local numQuestCurrencies = GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies({ questId }) local money = GetQuestLogRewardMoney({ questId}) local artifactXP = GetQuestLogRewardArtifactXP({ questId}) local numQuestRewards = GetNumQuestLogRewards({ questId}) if numQuestCurrencies > 0 then return 5; end if money > 0 then return 1; end if artifactXP > 0 then return 2; end if numQuestRewards > 0 then local name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable, itemID = GetQuestLogRewardInfo(1, { questId}) if itemID == 124124 then return 4; end local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = GetItemInfo(itemID) if (itemName ~= nil and itemType == 'Consumable' and itemSubType == 'Other') then return 2; end if (itemName ~= nil and itemType == 'Armor') then return 6; end if (itemName ~= nil and itemSubType == 'Artifact Relic') then return 6; end return 3; end return 0; "; return Lua.GetReturnVal<int>(questLua, 0); } public bool PassesSettings(int questId) { if(!Settings.Instance.DoElite && EliteQuest(questId)) return false; //return error = 0, gold = 1, artifactpower = 2, items = 3, blood = 4, currency = 5, gear = 6 var rewardType = WorldQuest[questId]; if(rewardType == 1) return Settings.Instance.Gold; if (rewardType == 2) return Settings.Instance.ArtifactPower; if (rewardType == 3) return Settings.Instance.Items; if (rewardType == 4) return Settings.Instance.Blood; if (rewardType == 5) return Settings.Instance.OrderHall; if (rewardType == 6) return Settings.Instance.Equipment; return false; } public int TheWardens = 1894, CourtOfFarondis = 1900, Dreamweavers = 1883, KirinTor = 1090, HighmountainTribe = 1828, TheNightfallen = 1859, Valarjar = 1948; public int GetFactionId(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<int>($@"local title, factionId, capped = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestInfoByQuestID({ questId }); if (factionId) then return factionId end return 0", 0); public bool DoFaction(int questId) { var faction = GetFactionId(questId); if (faction == TheWardens) return Settings.Instance.TheWardens; if (faction == CourtOfFarondis) return Settings.Instance.CourtOfFarondis; if (faction == Dreamweavers) return Settings.Instance.Dreamweavers; if (faction == KirinTor) return Settings.Instance.KirinTor; if (faction == HighmountainTribe) return Settings.Instance.HighmountainTribe; if (faction == TheNightfallen) return Settings.Instance.TheNightfallen; if (faction == Valarjar) return Settings.Instance.Valarjar; return false; } public List<string> GetReward(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnValues($"local name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable, itemID = GetQuestLogRewardInfo(1, { questId }); return name, itemID"); public string GetQuestName(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<string>($"local title, factionId, capped = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestInfoByQuestID({ questId }); return title; ", 0); public bool EliteQuest(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>($"return GetQuestTagInfo({ questId})", 4); public bool QuestCompletedInLog(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>($@"for questIndex = 1, GetNumQuestLogEntries() do _, _, _, _, _, isComplete, _, questID = GetQuestLogTitle(questIndex); if (questID == {questId}) then return isComplete; end end return false; ", 0); public async Task ForceTurnin(int questId, int npcId, float x, float y, float z) { if (!QuestCompletedInLog(questId)) return; var q = Quest.FromId(); if(q != null) TreeRoot.StatusText = $"Turnin {q.Name}"; var turninNpc = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == npcId); if (turninNpc == null) { TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Moving to {x} {y} {z}"; await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)); return; } if (!GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible && !QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible) { if (!turninNpc.WithinInteractRange) { TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Moving to {turninNpc}"; await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(turninNpc.Location); return; } TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Interacting with {turninNpc}"; turninNpc.Interact(); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); } if (GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible) { var quest = GossipFrame.Instance.ActiveQuests.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == questId); if (quest == null) return; Logging.Write($"Selecting {quest.Name} (GF)"); GossipFrame.Instance.SelectActiveGossipQuest(quest.Index); GossipFrame.Instance.SelectActiveQuest(quest.Index); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); return; } if (!QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible) return; if (QuestFrame.Instance.CurrentShownQuestId == questId) { Logging.Write($"Completing {QuestFrame.Instance.CurrentShownQuest.Name}"); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectQuestReward(1); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); QuestFrame.Instance.CompleteQuest(); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); return; } var questF = QuestFrame.Instance.ActiveQuests.FirstOrDefault(que => que.Id == questId); if (questF == null) return; Logging.Write($"Selecting {questF.Name} (QF)"); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectActiveGossipQuest(questF.Index); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectActiveQuest(questF.Index); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); } 1) There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'id' of 'Quest.FromId(uint)' at line 296 2) A local or parameter named 'q' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter at line 324
New problem: 2 compiler errors encountered in profile '[WQ] World Quest Auto Loader $Rev: 877 $' 'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 49 has following errors with code: public class Settings : Styx.Helpers.Settings { public static readonly string _settingsPath = Path.Combine(CharacterSettingsDirectory, "Profiles", "NuokWorldQuestSettings.xml"); private static Settings _instance; public static Settings Instance => _instance ?? (_instance = new Settings()); public Settings() : base(_settingsPath) { } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWanted { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoPvP { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoDangerQuests { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoElite { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWorldBosses { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool DoProfessions { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool DoWorkOrders { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool ArtifactPower { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Equipment { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Blood { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool OrderHall { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Gold { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Items { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Azsuna { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Valsharah { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Stormheim { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Suramar { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Highmountain { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool EyeofAzshara { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Dalaran { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool TheWardens { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool CourtOfFarondis { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool KirinTor { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool HighmountainTribe { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool TheNightfallen { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Valarjar { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool Dreamweavers { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(true)] public bool SkipHBRelog { get; set; } [Setting] [Styx.Helpers.DefaultValue(false)] public bool SVNUpdate { get; set; } } private HashSet<int> GetWorldQuestsByZone(int zone) { var lua = $@"SetMapByID({zone}) local ids = {{}} local taskInfo = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID({zone}) if (taskInfo) then for i, info in ipairs(taskInfo) do if HaveQuestData(info.questId) then if QuestMapFrame_IsQuestWorldQuest(info.questId) then tinsert (ids, info.questId ) end end end end return unpack(ids)"; var getResult = Lua.GetReturnValues(lua); var list = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (var r in getResult) { list.Add(Lua.ParseLuaValue<int>(r)); } return list; } public Dictionary<int, int> WorldQuest = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public void Update() { WorldQuest.Clear(); var zones = new HashSet<int> { 1015, 1018, 1024, 1017, 1033, 1096, 1014 }; foreach (var z in zones) { var quest = GetWorldQuestsByZone(z); foreach (var q in quest) { var t = QuestRewardType(q); //return error = 0, gold = 1, artifactpower = 2, items = 3, blood = 4, currency = 5 if(t==1) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Gold"); if(t==2) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Artifact Power"); if(t == 3) { var rewards = GetReward(q); Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Item {rewards[0]} {rewards[1]}"); } if(t==4) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Blood of Sargeras"); if(t==5) Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Order Hall Resources"); if(t == 6) { var rewards = GetReward(q); Logging.WriteDiagnostic($"Found {GetQuestName(q)} ({q}) in {z}, rewards Equipment {rewards[0]} {rewards[1]}"); } WorldQuest.Add(q, t); } } } public bool OnQuest(int id) { return WorldQuest.ContainsKey(id); } public bool HasPlugin => PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "WorldQuestHelper") != null; public void EnablePlugin() { var plugin = PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "WorldQuestHelper"); if (plugin == null) return; plugin.Enabled = false; plugin.Enabled = true; } public void Log(string text) { Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DodgerBlue, "[WQ] " + text); } public bool ZoneEnabled(int zoneId) { if(zoneId == 1015) return Settings.Instance.Azsuna; if(zoneId == 1018) return Settings.Instance.Valsharah; if(zoneId == 1017) return Settings.Instance.Stormheim; if(zoneId == 1033) return Settings.Instance.Suramar; if(zoneId == 1024) return Settings.Instance.Highmountain; if(zoneId == 1096) return Settings.Instance.EyeofAzshara; if(zoneId == 1014) return Settings.Instance.Dalaran; return false; } public int QuestRewardType(int questId) { var questLua = $@"local numQuestCurrencies = GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies({ questId }) local money = GetQuestLogRewardMoney({ questId}) local artifactXP = GetQuestLogRewardArtifactXP({ questId}) local numQuestRewards = GetNumQuestLogRewards({ questId}) if numQuestCurrencies > 0 then return 5; end if money > 0 then return 1; end if artifactXP > 0 then return 2; end if numQuestRewards > 0 then local name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable, itemID = GetQuestLogRewardInfo(1, { questId}) if itemID == 124124 then return 4; end local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = GetItemInfo(itemID) if (itemName ~= nil and itemType == 'Consumable' and itemSubType == 'Other') then return 2; end if (itemName ~= nil and itemType == 'Armor') then return 6; end if (itemName ~= nil and itemSubType == 'Artifact Relic') then return 6; end return 3; end return 0; "; return Lua.GetReturnVal<int>(questLua, 0); } public bool PassesSettings(int questId) { if(!Settings.Instance.DoElite && EliteQuest(questId)) return false; //return error = 0, gold = 1, artifactpower = 2, items = 3, blood = 4, currency = 5, gear = 6 var rewardType = WorldQuest[questId]; if(rewardType == 1) return Settings.Instance.Gold; if (rewardType == 2) return Settings.Instance.ArtifactPower; if (rewardType == 3) return Settings.Instance.Items; if (rewardType == 4) return Settings.Instance.Blood; if (rewardType == 5) return Settings.Instance.OrderHall; if (rewardType == 6) return Settings.Instance.Equipment; return false; } public int TheWardens = 1894, CourtOfFarondis = 1900, Dreamweavers = 1883, KirinTor = 1090, HighmountainTribe = 1828, TheNightfallen = 1859, Valarjar = 1948; public int GetFactionId(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<int>($@"local title, factionId, capped = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestInfoByQuestID({ questId }); if (factionId) then return factionId end return 0", 0); public bool DoFaction(int questId) { var faction = GetFactionId(questId); if (faction == TheWardens) return Settings.Instance.TheWardens; if (faction == CourtOfFarondis) return Settings.Instance.CourtOfFarondis; if (faction == Dreamweavers) return Settings.Instance.Dreamweavers; if (faction == KirinTor) return Settings.Instance.KirinTor; if (faction == HighmountainTribe) return Settings.Instance.HighmountainTribe; if (faction == TheNightfallen) return Settings.Instance.TheNightfallen; if (faction == Valarjar) return Settings.Instance.Valarjar; return false; } public List<string> GetReward(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnValues($"local name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable, itemID = GetQuestLogRewardInfo(1, { questId }); return name, itemID"); public string GetQuestName(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<string>($"local title, factionId, capped = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestInfoByQuestID({ questId }); return title; ", 0); public bool EliteQuest(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>($"return GetQuestTagInfo({ questId})", 4); public bool QuestCompletedInLog(int questId) => Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>($@"for questIndex = 1, GetNumQuestLogEntries() do _, _, _, _, _, isComplete, _, questID = GetQuestLogTitle(questIndex); if (questID == {questId}) then return isComplete; end end return false; ", 0); public async Task ForceTurnin(int questId, int npcId, float x, float y, float z) { if (!QuestCompletedInLog(questId)) return; var q = Quest.FromId(); if(q != null) TreeRoot.StatusText = $"Turnin {q.Name}"; var turninNpc = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == npcId); if (turninNpc == null) { TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Moving to {x} {y} {z}"; await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)); return; } if (!GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible && !QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible) { if (!turninNpc.WithinInteractRange) { TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Moving to {turninNpc}"; await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(turninNpc.Location); return; } TreeRoot.GoalText = $"Interacting with {turninNpc}"; turninNpc.Interact(); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); } if (GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible) { var quest = GossipFrame.Instance.ActiveQuests.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == questId); if (quest == null) return; Logging.Write($"Selecting {quest.Name} (GF)"); GossipFrame.Instance.SelectActiveGossipQuest(quest.Index); GossipFrame.Instance.SelectActiveQuest(quest.Index); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); return; } if (!QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible) return; if (QuestFrame.Instance.CurrentShownQuestId == questId) { Logging.Write($"Completing {QuestFrame.Instance.CurrentShownQuest.Name}"); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectQuestReward(1); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); QuestFrame.Instance.CompleteQuest(); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); return; } var questF = QuestFrame.Instance.ActiveQuests.FirstOrDefault(que => que.Id == questId); if (questF == null) return; Logging.Write($"Selecting {questF.Name} (QF)"); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectActiveGossipQuest(questF.Index); QuestFrame.Instance.SelectActiveQuest(questF.Index); await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomUiInteractionTime(); } 1) There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'id' of 'Quest.FromId(uint)' at line 296 2) A local or parameter named 'q' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter at line 324
Delete the "WorldQuestSettings" folder under the "Plugins" directory under where you have HB installed. From within wherever you created the World Quest SVN, there's a "Plugin" directory. Copy that into the HB\Plugins\ directory. Make sense?
Either the bot has completed all World quests that you've defined (and it's able to do) or (more likely) you haven't defined these. On the HB screen, once you have the Plugin copied over, and have restarted HB... there's a World Quests button now. Click it, and configure it how you'd like it to run. Be very careful with selecting WORLD bosses, because unless you get really lucky, you'll likely be trying to solo a world boss.
If it just opens and closes the map, delete your cache. Instructions here: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache corruption problems - The Buddy Wiki I had this same exact problem, and deleting the cache worked perfectly. I even wrote a .bat file to do it. Your directories may be different than mine, so you'll have to test and adjust yours. Save the below as something like "delcache.bat" and run as administrator. Enjoy. rmdir /s /q "%LocalAppData%\Bossland\Honorbuddy" rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy" rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\%USER%\Desktop\HB1\cache" rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Cache" rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Data\Cache" rmdir /s /q "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment"
im sorry if this question been asked before but there is so many pages that its too much to read to check but would it be possible to do so the profile starts by focusing on emissary world quests before doing rest?
I got this and I've checked out to do artifact power quests only, and I got many of those. Still this comes up
Again, just a user here, but I would imagine that the remaining world quests aren't supported by the profile.
I would imagine you'd have to run the bot with everything else deselected for starters, and wait until it was done with those. Then stop the bot and add those additional selections. Sorry, probably not ideal, but there it is. I don't see any way to prioritize X quest type over Y.
I cant get on discord, invite expired.. Loading Profile [42018] Those Beyond Redemption - WiN! MoveTo failed to move to the location: <990.3676, 6099.369, 99.38569> And it keeps opening map over and over again.. Anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this??
WQ: Temple Defense in Val'sharah, you have to add some blackout zones, or whatever it's called to avoid a certain area because there is a HUGE elite in the area that will 2 shot you dead every time and it runs back and fourth along his path. Name of the huge elite is Gravax the Desecrator. Thanks.