Every single day bot checks every fp what it meets (all my bots doing this). He writes some shit in file KnownFlightNodes.json, however every day it forgets it. UseFlightPaths="False" means nothing for it (HB2 also). What can I f***ing do ? View attachment 9592 2016-09-18 21.01.txt
Atleast once per day every bot learns every flypoint it meets. Even this fp was learned yesterday. And bot can freeze at this point for many minutes. Until my program restart it (then it leaves this point and starts to work as if nothing had happened)
Honorbuddy needs to make sure it knows exactly what flight paths it can use. Even if we meet a flight master and see that that specific flight path is known (since it has no green !), we cannot know if you have played manually and learned other flight paths. For that reason Honorbuddy will, every 24 hours, go to the first flight master it sees to update this information. This is intended. EDIT: I forgot to mention that this behavior cannot be disabled by user settings. The behavior can be disabled by the profile if that is desired, but HB might not use flight paths correctly if the information is not up to date.
So sad ! Bots are farming 24/7, and learning points looks weird (for other players). Besides that bots are stuck at FP for hours! I had to write a program that presses Stop/Start button. How can I disable learning points ?
it doesnt look that weird for other players tbh,its recommended not to disable it as it will probably bug and thats something you dont like i guess
It's definely bug - bot stucks at flymaster for hours. And bot moves to learn point by GROUND. Even if I press 'Space' to fly higher, bot goes down to the ground for every step. Now I can interrupt it with own tool, however this bug reduces gph and increases the risk of being killed by players.
So to be clearer with the problem. Normally it updates FP in like 1-2 seconds. Yours is stuck for hours? That issue is caused if bot has problem to write to HDD, this could be a problem if the bot is stored on C: and not run as administrator.
View attachment 3892 2016-10-14 07.41.txt I think I understand the reason! Bots stucks always at vendor. Quest profile forces bot to sell all items and waits until bags are free. However bot ignores vendor action and runs to FP where it wait 'until bags are free'. And here I need to forbid learning FPs ! How can I do it ? For some profiles I no need to use FP. So I want to forbid using FPs.
Yes. Wow addon for quick selling. Profile waits until bags stay free and continue farming... Code: <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo"... /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo"... /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="xxxxx" /> <While Condition="!(Me.Combat) && (Me.FreeBagSlots < 124)" > <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" /> </While> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo"... /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo"... />