sure likes to pull mobs that shouldnt be pulled and does it consistently will not give up on a node and will die for hours /sigh
@Hariberu Thx for the Profiles they are working great! I have just a small problem with Starlightrose farming. My char alway have the ancient mana cap full and the bot stucks because of it. He tries to loot the mobs/herbs about 3-4 times in a row^^ Is there a way to blacklist the ancient mana? Thx
Yes honorbuddy have a problem with dismounting to pull mobs, report this to the Support Thread and they might be able to figure out this problem. Try using this plugin, i use it myself:
I go to load one of the profiles and it asks me to use some other profile I was using before purchasing this one. Any idea?
Simple request, can you label each profile with the primary resource it is aiming to gather? Every profile is listed as mining and herbing, but it would help a lot if the file name just included 1 extra word to indicate the primary resource per profile.
Herbalism & Mining - Stormheim Long Route.xml this profil is not working repair is doing just for alliance. my karakter dead all night.
Repairing and Selling is a known issue of Honorbuddy these days, several people have reported this and all i can say is: Report to Support forum here:
This is actually simple: All zones have Felslate and Leystone Azsuna has Aethril Val'Sharah has Dreamleaf Highmountain has Foxflower Stormheim has Fjarnskaggl Suramar has Starlight Rose
this is not honorbuddy problem look at this logs View attachment 5592 2016-10-15 04.26.txt . just running here <2705.209, 2856.522, 308.5945> from <2419.056, 2502.372, 284.6941> and die allience repair . You need a solution. not recommendations.
Gatherbuddy2 does go to repair and sell sometimes but not always, i have added ALL vendors and mailboxes existing into each profile in their respective zone and their respective faction. However, you say your character is dead all night. If you'd like i can look at your Logfile to view your issue
repair man names "Interacting with Supplier Barleyfoot (Unit Id: 110521)" look my logs : View attachment 5592 2016-10-15 04.26.txt