Are you located in highmountain? Try restarting HB client if you where in other zones and started it before, still running into problem clear your hb cache.
I've been testing the extended version for a couple minutes and it is quite a good profile. Still i found a single issue, sometimes it gets stuck on the river close to the bears trying to reach the other side and it just keeps tilting there, other than that, great job.
Quite good node/hour compared to other public profiles, and its not the profile that skips nodes all that is in the profile is hotspots for the route it gb2 that decides what nodes to go for.
I'm having a weird problem with this profile. When I'm running around and I get aggro on things nearby, bot wants to keep running but then tries to turn around and fight. I've tried with kill between hotspots off and on, using TuanHA paid AFK mode. This weird behavior causes my character to twitch and not run straight between hotspots. I'm certain that it would get me banned if I ran it overnight.
This have never happend to me are you running it in grindbot or gb2? I also suggest clearing your HB cache.
Also forgot to say always restart HB if you ran a other profile before it and always start the profile to the zone its made for.
After running the bot for 3 hours only 220 foxflower 160 leystone and 43 felslate...zzz not very efficient
Appreciate the work i do for free. I dont get anything out of making these profiles, i do them for the community and trying to be nice but you come here and post hate comments for no reason. If you dont like my work look somewhere else or make your own profile.
Not gonna fight with you. Just an advice be nice to people for doing work for free, instead of going around and being aggressive and rude against the people that put there free time into this. If you dont like other peoples work and its free just leave it be.
Gwaren it's a great profile. Ignore those ungrateful bastards. I've been using your profile for days and in-comparison to other free profiles yours is performing very well as well. It's very AFK-able and therefore I cannot report any issues. Keep the great up and just wanted to share you with this, my two bots have been doing a great job farming Foxflower with your profile. Love!