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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Feb 27, 2013.

    1. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    2. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Thanks dude. Is the supported dungeons on page 1 of this thread the ones that work? Or are they all supported now and you just do Randoms?

      I wanted to use it to level my Alta through 58-85 which is super slow!
    3. Texas1996

      Texas1996 New Member

      Oct 9, 2016
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      Hello Dungeonbuddy Forum People,

      I must say on the beginning, i'm not good in english, but i think this is a good excercise to learn a little bit.

      I haven't read which bugys they are fidex, but in Wailing Caverns the boss i think on the right side, all people jump down this hill and the bot walks the way back, where we come...

      And i play this at the moment as Heal and DD but i want a hole grp.
      The DD's arent so good..':/ Hunter it's good but the others aren't soo good..':/ Is there some other profile, where better?':)

      It's easy to run a hole group to install etc.

      Kind Texas
    4. Ikyata

      Ikyata New Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      Thank you. Do these work with revision v3.0.16340.862? I see you are using version 857. Is there something I'm missing? Currently the bot parties up and then says there is no script or profile for the dungeon once it zones in
    5. darobbiebot

      darobbiebot Member

      Oct 12, 2016
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      Dude, whats with all the anger in your post ?
    6. Riffer

      Riffer New Member

      Mar 11, 2015
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      To make the point clear. Also the frustration of everyday people complaining dungeonbuddy not updated.
      Jackels likes this.
    7. darobbiebot

      darobbiebot Member

      Oct 12, 2016
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      Well you succeed in your attempt. However still think it could have been done in a better way :)

      Plus people are only complaining about DGbuddy because they are also frustrated that a program they paid for is not working and also not receiving a level of support that has be shown previously in HB's lifetime.

      Their frustration is then doubled by the fact that there is little to no communication on whats going on nor when DGbuddy will be working again.

      The situation is so bad it seems no HB staff have replied to the community and no one from HB seems to working on a solution to the issue. A community developer has been left to pick up the pieces without even being paid.
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
    8. zerlog1337

      zerlog1337 Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      alot of their multi key users are using dungeonbuddy or even a big % of single users im sure, but they refuse to update, we were promised legion dungeons weeks ago & lets not talk about timewalking that profiles were provided & promised to work but it didnt and now the event is over.
    9. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      @darobbiebot - I made a post saying I was planning on giving out the profiels for free on the off chance that the community would help me out with some of the more mundane data mining and the overwhelming response to the post was "your title was click bait, there are no profiles here fuck you man give them too us or gtfo!"

      So I uploaded the shittiest versions I had to get people off the back of bossland who time and time again has never given us timeframes of completion for non essential products. You have a working rotation bot that you can run the dungeons by hand with, that is the product you purchased. No where in the hb forum does it say a completed and fully functional dungeonbuddy is gaurunteed to ship with the base product, and yet so many of our community are at the throats of developers and bossland themselves while they fight blizzard in court for the legal right for us to even keep the bot in the first place.
    10. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      I find it funny how many times I have heard this said from other developers and never really got it until now: "if you give me no information on your issue, or do not post a log that I can figure out your issue, then expect me to give you a half assed, sarcastic, or completely ignore your request for help."

      With that being said :

      These were my outdated profiles that still have some errors in them. You can go in an manually correct anything you wish.
    11. Ikyata

      Ikyata New Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      Yeeesh lol.

      No profile available for instance 1205
      No script available for instance 1205

      That's what I had. I'm not gonna bother giving you a screenshot because:

      1. You are not the person I am paying to do this.

      2. Your intention is clearly to flame people who expect customer service and delivery of products they've paid for.

      3. You are posting clickbait. Your profiles don't work as is and you made a topic to ask people if they want something they clearly want. Looks like attention seeking to me.

      That quote you posted is true in the case of people who are working for free. Bossland got paid for this product, you did not. Feel free not to answer me, but them not doing it is wrong. I hope you have a better day than it seems like you've having.
    12. darobbiebot

      darobbiebot Member

      Oct 12, 2016
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      how is DGbuddy not essential ? apart from Gatherbuddy/grind bot I think its the second most used bot in HB. people use it to level in pre-80 DG's. Back in the day DGbuddy worked i use to use it constantly with mixed mode.

      I understand the community has bitten your finger off and maybe mistreated you but this is only because people are angry with Bossland for not completing HB3 for DGbuddy before retiring HB2. Plus the lack of support or communication has doubled peoples anger and I think they have a right to be too.

      Imagine if you will, what this would be like if it was GB2 ! The chaos there would be on the forums (I for one would get shadowbot as its completely up-to-date and working to legion). Now for some people for DGbuddy is there GB2. they use DGbuddy to farm raids for G or level and gear toons. Its a big thing to miss on release let alone still be missing months into legion.
    13. ivonic

      ivonic New Member

      Mar 27, 2016
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      Question, why would you not update them for us when you update your own? I have been patiently waiting for Oleary to finish his version, and just saw that you posted these. I am going to try them out tonight, but why wouldn't you just update them until Oleary can get it going. Maybe you and Oleary can work together to get it going? He may have some pathing and shit that's better and vice-versa. Maybe see about working together with him to help the community out? Just a suggestion, anyways I have yet to try these. I look forward to it though!
    14. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Go search the forum what it means to upload a log... As for your issue, I still don't know what dungeon you are refering to so i cant tell you what file to go into and alter. As for uploading my actual files I use now, I was going to keep the community updated as I fixed mine, until they tweaked about being asked to help me find priority lists for mobs and ids for mobs in question. 2k views to the post I made asking for help and only 1 person actually tried to upload data requested. Is it attention seeking, perhaps I dont give a shit if you think it is though because I have working files that I was trying to get to the community and if that is the face they wanted to show me they can either not que up or que up with broken files and get banned. Learn to code or wait for someone to fix it that is willing to put up with your shit.

      I completely understand the frustration, and empathize with those who cannot code or figure out the issues in my uploaded files to fix the errors themselves. I was once in the exact same boat, until I decided that being angry at someone for a product that is functional yet lacking in aftermarket bonus's is not productive. Every single user has the opportunity to go learn how to do this shit and instead just flames on the forums when these things weren't promised.
    15. darobbiebot

      darobbiebot Member

      Oct 12, 2016
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      Sorry buddy but that is a very silly thing to say. Not everyone has the time or the know-how to do coding. Thats why they pay others to do it for them. You could dig up the ground between your house and your local exchange and lay fibre cables and set u your own internet connection if you could be bothered to learn how and had the time. but who the fuck does that ! thats what you ISP is for and thats what you play them for.

      Saying HB is functional but not fully productive is like saying your Internet provider saying you have fibre with a 5mb download and 1 mb upload with 300+ms latency BUT ITS NOT THERE PROBLEM BECAUSE YOU HAVE INTERNET ! DONT YOU ?

      What a silly thing to say.
      Last edited: Oct 20, 2016


      May 16, 2014
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      all bot types included they say... but the client should never complain.. oh.. they are doing us a favor.. we should thank them for whatever shit they do and say to us. because they are gods... man.. just because u can code.. ill stop here.... keep going on that way..
      fightcancer likes this.
    17. zerlog1337

      zerlog1337 Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      :confused: 10.10.2016, 07:58.

      13days, and before that the same thing was said 7days earlier~ making it 20days ontop of the fact legion has been out for like 6weeks.

      edit: was out of town and i see alot of users have complained or somehow formed a hate train (my bad as my post was anything but nice) i am sorry, just frustrated but i did not mean to place it on you even tho i did and im sorry, im sure we all want dungeonbuddy to work and its been so long :(
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
    18. wallyworld

      wallyworld Banned

      Jul 22, 2016
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      Can you show me where exactly you paid for dungeonbuddy by itself? Oh you can't? Neither can I...

      You've been here since 2010. You should know that they don't give ETA's for anything. And as it's already been said, DB was never fully implemented for WoD. Why are you expecting this to work sooner rather than later?

      Feel free to hire a developer for them to build the profiles for you...Or you could pay the HB team 25,000-50,000 a year for your subscription. I bet if you were willing to do that, you could have anything you want as soon as you want it. Hell, you could probably make thousands yourself if you wrote the profiles. You have all the tools you need to write them, you may as well get started on them.

      You can expect any standards you want to be met...They are under no obligation to meet your standards. The money you've spent on this bot probably wouldn't even cover one of their employee's wages for a day, and that doesn't even count the operating costs they incur on a daily basis to keep the bot you're using running.
    19. wallyworld

      wallyworld Banned

      Jul 22, 2016
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      Oleary is a buddy store developer and not a member of the HB team. He's under no obligation to complete anything and his ETA should be taken exactly as some random person on the forums saying they're writing profiles...With a large grain of salt.

      Seriously, if you guys are so upset at the rate things are moving, write the profiles yourselves. You have everything you need in the other profiles to build them.
    20. ahoekstra

      ahoekstra Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      Funny that not even one script is fully implemented.
      All the mandatory functions are made ... It takes very long :(

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