Cant farm cose bot ALWAYSE DISMOUNT WHEN GET STUNNED AND GO TO NEXT POINT WHEN MOBS GET DAMAGE IN THE BACK!!!!! How time need to fix it? on 861 version all be good, then u release IT in changelogs (Fixed an issue where Honorbuddy would fail to realize it was stuck (HB-3282)) and its being problem (LOGS In theme PS - All My friends have same problem
From a fellow botter... I looked at your old log and spotted this: You are using Singular as CR and Singular is reporting that the file for your class is missing. I would recommend a fresh install.
lol, cose i remaster same skills in blood.cs... its not a singular problem.. all my friend have it problem
This the code in Singular that make the output i referred to: If you aren't familiar with it then let me explain. Blood.cs doesn't exist. Your CR is responsible for the dismounting and your singular installation is corrupt.
I can 100% says that it problem with file name - GreyMagic.dll Cose like a said, on 861 all was good, i tryed use 861 and copy Honorbuddy.Launcher.exe, Honorbuddy.exe, Honorbuddy.exe.config and GreyMagic.dll from 864 to 861, bot works (99% files from 861) but have same problem, hb.exe and so on cant do this problem, so - its GreyMagic.dll file problem, but i cant start with GreyMagic.dll of 861 version...
I doubt its greymagic... Your log tells me two things. 1 - There is something wrong with singular, it reports several files missing. You may want to manually check if they are there. 2 - Because of the missing files, Singular only creates theese two behaviours: [13:57:33.896 N] (Singular) Behaviors Created in Priority Order [13:57:33.896 N] (Singular) ====================================================== [13:57:33.899 N] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior [13:57:33.926 N] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateDeathKnightPreCombatBuffs No combat behaviour. Singular doesn't know what to do, since it can't its files. Alternatively. You can try to install a different CR.
.............................. i tryed 2 profile and full fresh bot, its dont singular problem, when release 862 version - i install it and this problem started, i returned to 861 and all being ok, but now 861 dont work, 862,863 and 864 have this problem
[15:05:44.285 D] Goal: Moving to <-299.7723, 128.92, 45.30816> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 192] [15:05:47.002 D] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo. [15:05:47.002 D] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo. [15:05:47.003 D] Goal: Moving to <-272.0327, 160.1471, 47.87097> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 193] [15:05:49.203 N] (Singular) info: 58 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular [15:05:48.729 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.5, FPS: 15, Latency: 336, Map: Firelands1, loc: <-290.8947, 139.0827, 45.17432>)! [15:05:48.735 D] Stop and dismount. Reason: Stuck [15:05:49.253 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.6, FPS: 15, Latency: 336, Map: Firelands1, loc: <-290.8947, 139.0827, 45.17432>)! [15:05:49.254 V] Trying jump REASON - STUCK - ITS NOT A SINGULAR!!!!!