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  • Honorbuddy not living up to its name

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by donmagicjuan, Feb 11, 2011.

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    1. donmagicjuan

      donmagicjuan Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      First of all I just want to thank everybody on the team for all of their hard work. I understand it has been a challenge to update the entire bot for 4.0 and try to respond the the huge variety of demands from the community. I have seen some amazing accomplishments since purchasing my first session of HB and eventually upgrading to lifetime and I am sure only more good things will come in the future.

      However, I have been disappointed with the PVP portion of the bot recently. The name Honorbuddy would suggest that it would be a great pvp bot. However that is not the case. Recently I think Farmbuddy might be a more appropriate title since the focus has been on AB and GB2.

      When BG Bot beta was released I had high hopes for the PVP portion of the bot. AB/WSG/EOTS were all working a lot better than the previous PVP botbase and the other battlegrounds were progressing in terms of support. However after the second update to the BG bot I have not seen any new work on it. I would love to be able to farm honor more efficiently than it does now.

      As it stands, there are several bugs and shortcomings that are preventing a good honor farm. First of all, if you are not doing one of the three aforementioned battlegrounds supported by BG bot, you are more or less forced to use the old crappy PVP bot that is reliant on hotspots instead of reacting to what is happening in the battlegrounds. Second, Honorbuddy itself seems to freeze up every so often causing my session in WoW to afk out. Thus I cannot leave the bot AFK for extended periods of time as I used to be able to in the past to farm honor. Third, there seems to be an issue with the bot targeting pets instead of players in PVP and some continued issues with use of pets as well. When I watch the bot it loves to target hunter pets, water elementals, it even targets DK bloodworms instead of attacking players. This is a big problem. Classes with pets are also experiencing trouble with pvp and other forms of combat as the pet will go in but the class will not attack. Bandaids such as CombatHelper and other plugins have been released but pets are still not working correctly.

      I would really like to see this bot live up to its name as the primary reason I bought it was to grind honor on my various characters. Most people do not like to grind honor and it takes a very long time to grind all of the honor gear especially now in 4.0.6 with the added shoulder and helm enchants. There are a lot of talented people on the team and I know that you guys can make this work, I am just wondering what the priorities are right now as far as what is being worked on and when I can expect to see the bot able to afk farm honor and behave semi-intelligently in battlegrounds.

      Thank you all.
    2. luddyjr

      luddyjr New Member

      Dec 27, 2010
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      Yeah I've been real upset lately with it constantly crashing, even using the automater and not working and disconnecting after 2 or so hours when my internet is 30 mbits which is good for U.S... So.... :( But I really hope they can fix the stability.
    3. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ok I don't normaly speak out on these kind of threads but lately there's been a rash of them so i'll say something. I've been botting now for about 5 years, i've tried most of the bots out there. Was an avid glider user til its timely death, and after taking a break and then checking out a few, i decided to stick with HB/GB system. There is no perfect bot out there, but considering the trend that 99.9% of the bots take out there, HB/GB has been one of the top 2 bots on the market over the 5 years. Both in stability and reliability. If you are having 'issues' that you seem to think is making it faulty then you are either a wanna be troll (which most threads are) or you don't really know what your doing cause you want a " Oh cool lets install it and I will never have to work at it again" situation. Which is NOT how botting works. You have to have at the VERY LEAST half a brain, I just barely make that half brain but still :p Anyways, if your having issues of constant crashing odds are you need to check your system itself, sometimes making a very clean install of the system (not just the bot software but EVERYTHING down to the OS) helps. People install/uninstall ALOT of software over time and it does take a toll. So if your constantly having crashing issues, take a step back, clean your system and try again. Now, if your wanting a system taht will grind like a prom date at the after prom party then well your out of luck, there's always gonna be hicups. But I for one have run Honor grinds over 3 to 4 days straight (24hr a day) without any issues (reports/bans/crashes/dc's). Have I had issues, hell ya, but i've also had alot of successes...

      So in a nut shell... suck it up, and if you expect it to be 100% ALL the time, just hand over your key, boot your system on a dos prompt, and type 'FDISK /MBR' and walk away cause you have no chance in hell of making it in the botting world.

      Ok.. done :) LOL (let the flame war begin)
    4. haxed

      haxed New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I agree that the pvp side has been lacking a little bit of late, one problem with using a bot in PVP is that it is always completly obvious who is a bot and who isn't so with this in mind, even if the devs made it that all bg's were supported i still think it is one of the most risky forms of botting due to the lack of humanistic movement, so the fact that the pvp side of things isn't perfect at the moment doesn't really worry me.

      Just my 2pence worth :)
    5. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That's true one of the main issues is that honor isn't that hard to get and its doesn't buy you much of anything anymore.

      Archaeology is way faster and safer for leveling + you make a decent chunk of gold with the new prices.
      Farming mats or gathering is way faster for gold.

      That's not to say that it should be improved, but I think its fallen by the wayside mainly because PvP has kind of fallen by the wayside IMO.
    6. Blink99

      Blink99 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      well we can tell you used your "half of brain"

      OP's TLDR:

      @devs. dont throw out new features if your just going to abandon them and leave the half working
    7. SJ182

      SJ182 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      I'm sorry

      Threads like this make me laugh, Blizzard changed the focus of WoW to force you to play with people.
      PVP isnt what it used to be. Rated BG's and Arena's are the only way to get yourself gear that matters.
      The old way of pvp grinding is done, it died with the cataclysm. Now you have to PVP with a group of people.

      My view on bots are they are used primarily to grind things out. Stuff that you wouldn't want to do yourself. IE pvp leveling (which the current bot does fine for the most part), killing mobs for mats, *dailies I don't want to do by hand etc etc.

      If you view HB/GB as a way to help you skip the crappy parts of WoW it is wonderful.

      Most of us have already hand leveled a toon from 1-85, and the idea of going through it again sucks.
      I've always viewed HB as a helper to you playing the game, not a replacement which it sounds like you are looking for.
    8. Blink99

      Blink99 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      uhm have you played more than one expac? because PvP hasnt changed.... Arena has always given best gear.... If anything they made it easier to get the best gear with cata. you get arena pts daily from a bg, and there is no requirement for first tier of weapons.

      posts like these make me laugh...
    9. hpkid2002

      hpkid2002 New Member

      Jan 3, 2011
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      so are you suppose to rated pvp with 0 resil now? that impressive bravo bravo
    10. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      A bot, for its underground nature, will never work flawlessly. Blizzard is a multi-billion company, with thousands of employees, programmers and developers, while a bot like HB/GB is made by a team of just a few semi-professional talented programmers. It will always be buggy. Yet, botting programming is not supported by wow architeture itself (in fact it is partially blocked), what makes things even more difficult. As I have read somewhere: "If this program does not match our expectations, you should change your expectations.". The PVP part of the bot indeed is the most risky part of it, as players are getting somehow annoyed by bots; and there has been a demand for more farming and PVE stuff of the bot. Just check archeology thread for you to see that its the most on-demand stuff. Bot developers work on what is most requested by people, not on what YOU request or wish.
    11. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      I'm sorry since when does the massive honor needed to get a full set of PvP gear not qualify as a "grind".
    12. SJ182

      SJ182 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      You have to do a single BG a day for 25 points. How can the current HB not do that?
      To get fully geared using conquest points would take you MONTHS of botting one game a day. Verses a couple of weeks actually playing with a group of people in rated bg's by hand.

      I grinded HWL out by hand, and yes it has changed. Before you could hit HWL and get the best gear by just doing the random BG's (by yourself) which were just AB/WSG/AV (Vanilla).
      It is impossible for a player to get HWL/GM titles without doing rated BG's - (Hence the game has changed)

      Silly Blink :)
    13. deusx

      deusx Member

      Feb 1, 2010
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      Agree. PvP is nothing but a big disaster atm
    14. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      The OP has a valid point. Aside from the random crashes, which will always be expected somewhat, the PvP side of the bot is basically a forgotten aspect for the Devs. Since I have been using HB almost a year ago I have used it for PvP and I can honestly say that it is really not much different now than it was then. There was a upgrade to navigation which was a side effect of moving to HB2 but no specific attempt to upgrade PvP outside of the new BG Bot which doesn't even work and appears to be mostly abandoned by the Devs currently. The problem is PvP is basically the one thing that is most likely to get you banned by others simply because it is nothing but playing with other players; so it astounds me that so little support is given to it in order to make it less bottish. PvP either needs to be fully upgraded or just taken out of the bot all together.
    15. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      The day you get "fully geared" with conquest points in "a few weeks" is the day you are god almighty since your average player might get 2k points a week which won't even buy more than piece of gear a week.
    16. SJ182

      SJ182 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      I just Completed step Wrist of achievement Cataclysmically Epic. 2 days ago
      with a battleground rating of - Battleground rating 2505
      I guess you can consider me god. :)
    17. SJ182

      SJ182 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      So you dont pug - Baradin Hold?
    18. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      I didn't say buy one piece of vicious gear. I said FULLY GEARED ie every spot filled with epic vicious gear which is what you implied was possible without running normal BG's.
    19. donmagicjuan

      donmagicjuan Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      Thank you all for the input, although some of you obviously didn't read my post calling me a troll. I am a great supporter of this bot and appreciate the hard work of the team.

      What I am referring to specifically and could have been more explicit about in my post is the honor grind you have to do fresh at 85 to get geared out BEFORE you start doing arenas/rated bgs. So thanks for the "lol noob pvp isn't about grinding anymore" comments but they do not apply.

      BG bot was a promising start with the bot reacting to conditions within battlegrounds (seeing which nodes are held, staying around a node to defend, etc.) and I hope to see it given more attention in the near future as I have just finished leveling a toon to 85 and may do another soon after.
    20. Zfine

      Zfine New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      I dont blame honorbuddy at all for the mess ups lately.... If you understand the programming parts of honorbuddy you would understand how hard it is to make it and master it only about 2 months after the release of cataclysm. Honorbuddy will get better with time thats how all programming goes of course there are small problems since blizzard is trying to stop botting with the patches and bans but they offer fixes very quickly. The pvp portion of the bot is not the best however what do you care thats what a bot is for let it do the work for you so your time is free right? So if you come to think about it your getting free honor for pressing a few buttons eventhough its not as much as a human player can get theres only so much a bot can do at this time. They have done a great job intagrating pvp, farming, and much more into one single bot.
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