Hello Buddys, some of you may know me already. I used to improve the Ai of Hearthbuddy(called Silverfish). After some time I got banned from Hearthstone because I overextended and did not supervise the bot enough(especially during testing). After ten days of thinking what do do now, I decided to make a new account and continue my work. This time I will not give you one specific deck. I give you 6(and more to come when people figure out more good one's)! I simply don't want to force you guys to use a settled deck. Some people just don't like the chosen class and don't have all the cards for it. Decks: Click These decks are all pretty good in the current meta and are also good for botting(around 55-60% winrate, witch increases by the end of the month/season). I will focus on fixing misplays for these decks. If a misplay is questionable and involves random cards nobody ever plays then it will most likely be ignored. Files: Download Paste and replace them into the following folder: HearthbuddyFolder\Routines\DefaultRoutine Make sure to backup your files! Ruleset : Standard DeckName : YOURDECKNAME Behavior: PLControl for control/midrange decks PLAggro for aggro decks The chosen settings should be fine for all decks listed above. Proper Mulligan is included in the _mulligan.txt file for all decks(with comments). Some people reported some lags and the bot not finishing turns because of too much calculations. Try opening Hearthstone in windowed mode and make the window smaller(like1/3 of your screen or smaller) before changing some settings! Like this: http://i.imgur.com/gq1aZYR.jpg How to report misplays: Please follow this simple guide to report misplays: Click Information that I need: logfile!!!(with comments inside if possible) decklist that you've botted with any changes that you made to that deck small description of the misplay description of the correct play and why Please pm me all that information(recommended) or post it in this thread Have fun Feedback: Rank 3 by myself: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
ProjectLegend *Release* Download latest update This project includes all changes that've been made in this project! and also: added proper mulligan for all provided decks fixed playaround Hellfire and Ravaging Ghoul fixed Acidic Swamp Ooze penality added all Pirate synergies added small penality to play Mortal Strike for 4 damage fixed playing Savage Combatand after heropower was used added big penality to play Druid of the Flame as a 5/2 added small bonus to play Enchanted Raven on turn 1 Menagerie Warden added penality to play it with no target added penality to target minions witch lost some hp added increasing bonus to target bigger minions Book Wyrm added big penality to play it with no other Dragon in hand added penality to use it on small/not important minions added small penality to play Twilight Guardian with no other Dragon in hand fixed playing Deathwing if we have other good options to deal with the board added penality to play Silverware Golem and Fist of Jaraxxus added bonus to discard Silverware Golem and Fist of Jaraxxus added small bonus to go face with Frothing Berserker if it's attack got buffed to 6 or more and no important minions are on the enemy's board fixed not playing Harrison Jones vs non-weapon classes(Priest, Druid etc.) added penality to replace "Armor Up"(Warr HeroPower) with Sir Finley against a possible freeze mage(may not work every time because it's hard to tell if the opponnent is really a freeze mage) added penality to replace "Armor Up"(Warr HeroPower) with Sir Finley if we are low on hp and the opponnent is not in killrange Update1 Update2 Update2.1 Update3 Update4 Update4.1 Update5 Update5.1 Update6 Update7 Update7.1 Update8 Update8.1 Update8.2 Update8.3 Update8.4 Update9 Update9.1 Update9.2 Update10 Update10.1
Talk directly with me... i want buy your services with money or virtual machines that run hearthstone without problem. need legend that month
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Hearthstone\Desktop\HearthbuddyFolder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\penalties\Pen_LOE_022.cs(11,61) : error CS0246: O nome de namespace ou o tipo 'Minion' não pôde ser encontrado. Precisa de uma diretiva using ou de uma referência de assembly
Fixed! Please delete the file Pen_LOE_ 022.cs in HearthbuddyFolder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\penalties
How to do it: HSBToolBox thread here ps: 6 decks is good, but I would recommend you to use 2 accounts for each deck. This will give a more demonstrable results for comparison within the same deck. Also, each account will be less play that will cause less questions. Reloger can rotate up to 24 accounts
Thanks @ LazyCat I'am using the bot right now and other people did report that it works. I also got some pm's with logs already, so it must be on your end. Did you replace all files? Please double check. The problem is, there are no good pala dacks right now. The only one I can think of witch is "decent" is Anyfin Pala. But that's a combo/control deck. Decks that are easy to play (usually aggro/tempo/midrange) like the ones linked in the OP are easier to support. Control/OTK/Combo decks are more complicated and cosume way too much time. So I'm gonna stick with the 6 decks for now.
Testing the druid one right now. what rank should we get right now? (just a note - i didn't play this game for like 5 month and at time pala as good with the secrest)
Testing the Discard deck right now which was already similar to a deck I used and it works fantastic! Thanks a lot for sharing your work Otis!
I stuck between rank 9-10 atm. The bot is always bad at the start at the month, because you face a lot of variance and many really good players -should get better in 1 week or so But it shouldn't be this bad. Can you give me some more info plz? At what rank did you start? What was the win-loss ratio? And most important: Did you see any major misplays witch were responsible for some loses? It would also be nice to know what you were facing the most. Zoo, Tempo Mage and Mid Shaman are unfavorable matchups for this druid deck.
I use mostly warrior, shaman, warlock and recently hunter. Download latest update Update1 Download updated in first post! update for Hearthbuddy: 0.3 r1313 Build 329 - make sure you update HB before you replace the files!! added secret hunter decklist added mulligan for secret hunter implemented Dark Peddler Priorities similar to Sir Finley Priorites(can be changed in BehaviorProjectLegend.cs) fixed a typo witch caused some random bugs(thanks to coolmaster) fixed an error that caused the bot sometimes not use heropower at all(thanks to coolmaster) added increasing bonus to use Steady Shot(Hunter Heropower) the closer we get to lethal as a hunter we go more face if the opponnent is below 15hp(11 for other classes) added penality to use Blood to Ichor just to summon a 2/2 minion added big penality for wasting damage on own minions with Deathrattle: Draw a card(Bloodmage Thalnos, Loot Hoarder etc.) to draw a card if lethal is close (better kill enemy minions, or save it for next turn if they aren't any to ensure lethal) tweaked numbers of some priorityTargets some code cleanup