ye right this tatic i know to People that feel sorry and just say I NEVER BOTTED ye RIGht be fair and just say he botted and dont deny it you dont get banned if youre not cheating thats a fact because my main legion account isnt banned never botted on it but i played wow for 10 years now im really done with it if they keep banning me for using HB it isnt fun without it i gues i wil bot in league of legend again with rotation scripts but be a man and just say you bot dont tell them i never ever ever botted
lol at people thinking its related to test release, accounts are flagged weeks or even months ago and ban wave handed out all at once. That way blizzard can ensure no one notices and maximum amount of botters are banned. Its nothing to do with test release, even people who haven't botted for weeks are also banned.
i dont get it why hb is even selling a Detected bot they should be banned by selling the bot i feel sorry for the people that bought Legionbuddy for 200 euro i almost wanted to do it to but i wil never do it HB is just trying to make quick more money befor they shutdown people wil go away this is happening to mutch and people are not retarded if they get banned evrytime they touch hb or they are retarded and keep spending money on new accounts thinking its over the banwave if hb updates whats not true
Got an email telling me I'm banned 2018/05, while I'm on holiday!! , I did not even play for 6 days. Only my botting account banned. My safe account is not banned (on the same battlenet account)
my housemate got banned and she doesn't bot, i do on my computer. never have touched her account at all. WTF?
I just bought this 7 days ago so they were scanning this week too, probably before this week as well.
even though we know we are going to get banned eventually the 4-6 months you get out of it is still pretty enjoyable. Just start back over when the bot comes back up and play for another few months
i never get out of it i had bans befor even when there wasnt a banwave its like they triggering me constantly when i try new battlechest accounts for botting only questbot they get banned within a week i wont tocuh HB new accounts again until they really start caring again on customers customers is what they keep getting going to make money and go further if this keeps happning soon all customers wil be gone like me they are not stupid they just update HB for the new patch but not check the security u can say what u want but im really done now lost 60 euro again on 4 battlechest accounts within 3 days thats to mutch money evrytime fuck that
Mario, I have 33 years old. First and foremost I couldn't give less a fuck of your opinion. Second I'm adding some information on the topic. Why would I lie? I'm being dead serious on this, his main account is suspended and about to have that suspension lifted. I helped him to buy this account and he has 0 money to get a bot. He has been playing manually. If you don't believe it, I couldnt care less.
If he was banned for third party software then he was using third party software. The banwaves are full detection.
so what im 34 years old and in dec i wil be 35 i botted longer then you since medal of honor allied assault and ive botted with GLIDER glider had a better protection Then Honorbuddy Atleast GLider Mercury Hamut always cared about it they where always active when banwave where going on im done with this bot i just dont want to spend my money on wow anymore if they dont care about the customers anymore and just money i could give less on what you saying but atleast im not dumb enough to even buy a new wow account anymore if you think that hb is safe if they just update it for the new patch with glider i got never really banned even when there was a banwave some people got luck at that time
I'm just saying that they aren't wrongfully banning accounts during a banwave. It is PURELY software detection and not player reports.