ye thats right i have zygor guide as wel for a long time it makes questing and evrything so mutch easier but atm i uninstalled wow i dont really care about the game anymore
Thanks for the kid comment On topic. What about Firehawk? In my case I do bot on an alt account but I got both out.
6 month suspension. Seems as though they got everyone that was using it, period. Like everyone else is saying, its probably been detected every time you used HB. Honestly, its why I was so excited for Legion Buddy to come out and of course.. they cancel or "pause" that.
There was no tripwire fail. Honorbuddy is at least 2 steps behind blizzard's detection. All the ban waves in the last year and a half are proof that they have no protection. At this point they shouldn't even worry about "protecting its users" and just focusing on developing the software as a whole. You'll get banned no matter which bot you go with. If you're using it for recreational purposes you should give up on playing completely. If you're using the bot for financial gain then as long as you're making a profit after buying new accounts then keep at it.
firehawk is a c r a c k of zygor guide c r a c k s are bad man just pay for the awsome software its only 9 dolar evry month for zygor elite status you wil get all guide and updates each time they make for free its like a subscrition on spotify 10 evrymonth
yeah downtime at every patch like, bot close your client!!! or blizz will find you!!!!!! and now banwave, ridicolous , really. i'm done.
tripwire fails evrytime and gives blizzard money fuck thats always the words they say its a tripwire fail wel im done with that until tripwire never fails so each 3 4 days that i bot its a tripwire fail fuck that evrytime i used a few battlechest accounts i got banned verry strange isnt it? im just getting mad that HB doesend care about customers anymore
Not sure when they started detecting, 3/5 got 6month ban. 2 of those accounts (that didn't get banned) are inactive and haven't botted for at least 90 days.
Yeah Honorbuddy has really gone down in the past couple years. When i first came to these forums they did an amazing job...
Mario, it's called punctuation, look it up. You sound like an uneducated fucking idiot, which is really sad since you're a grown ass man. Period key missing on your keyboard?
why should i do what you say im not english ok i type how i want dont try do be a smartass fat bitch because i dont use punction im an uneducated guy the half of this people on this forum dont use it