its not a leak people can make hacks bypass the anticheat scanner aswel the makers of the anticheat can detect the bot its just a matter of time evrytime i gues they have a mutch easier job on detecting hb now easier then befor because you wil get banned evrytime you use it
Just lost my one and only account too, obviously a main account. I got hit in the very first Gatherbuddy banwave on my main and bot accounts, and I've been using this account ever since then. Had achievements from 2010 lol... Little background info. I had stopped playing WoW right after MoP came out, and didn't play at all during WoD .. I got into the game again when Legion came out.. Been playing legit up until 3 days ago (11/6/2016). I botted extensively the first night (the 6th), a few hours the next day (the 7th) .. I got home from work yesterday and logged in without the bot at first, checked my mail and did my class hall missions. Logged out and fired up the bot this time. Was told by HB that I was running an incompatible version due to the recent WoW patch. Closed HB and played manually all day yesterday and last night. Waited patiently all day at work today to come home and do quick LFRs and Normal raids with the bot using CR's on the 2 characters I've been playing in Legion ... Came to the forums, read a few posts .. downloaded the new client, installed it .. Fired up WoW WITHOUT the bot, logged in just fine to do my normal "check mail/do class hall stuff" routine .. Fired up the bot, logged into my main toon, joined the queue for LFR with the bot running .. 10 minutes later, my queue popped and I joined. Was midway through Il'gynoth and my screen froze so I could tell I was going to disconnect .. was surprised to see the message saying my account was suspended instead of just a normal disconnection screen. Not sure if it's a 6 month or 18 month yet. First botting offence on this account. Guess we'll see. 3 days using bot. Several years time investment wasted. Cost of doing business I guess. :/
Get banned too... really sad. using the german version of honorbuddy. only for cr´s. thought the german version is save because of the banner at the website. so hb advertises that its safe. also spend money on cr´s and no updates anymore. shame on the hb team to let it go...easy money. best time for legionbuddy launch...
brutal did a 2hr bot on a 105-110 and caught a ban on that account. Step up your game honorbuddy youre turning out like the rest of the shitty bots.
Got 6 months suspension on both my my main and bot that was on different ip. I barely botted on my main at all
other ip or any program that gives you a new ip doesend matter the software that you inject to WOW with the ID they can get you also questing scripts constantly getting stuck not getting out of the stuck people wil just report you
Just got banned too A brand new legion account I only leveled and did the profession quest line for herbalism with a profile I bought in the store. I hope they don't ban my other account ...
lol, you guys posting your ban dates are giving blizzard who you really are. This forum is public and revealing such details about your bans has most likely just given them a list of your info of whose getting a permanent ban. If you don't believe me logout and check the forum again, as for vital information that stuff if needed should only be messaged to mods and staff.