Ban Hammer All Six of my accounts were banned. All 12 of my vial of sands spread across the realms. And hours of work. GONE! I don't get my accounts back until May 9 2017. Time to start up a private server! Setting one up as I type.
yeah clearly this banwave was by detection of software, nothing to do with ingame reports at all. I guess I'll have to play properly legit and never touch my main with a bot ever again, now I gotta level 100-110 and gear within a week or two to continue raiding with my homies. Bummer but whatever, made a few hundred euros on botting gold on my other account at least this will cover my costs and a few pizzas. I'll probably set up a few new farm accounts tomorrow as well, my guild always needs more gold
Maybe? Do you think the click to move option gives this bot away? It seems like the smoking gun to me.
yes point being all the "detection" already happened days and weeks ago. nothing happened at 8pm tonite except accts going offline and emails getting sent out. As opposed to some other detection events that actually happened in real time resulting in a tripwire trigger, either legitimately or with a false positive.
Banned for very long time!!! I hate that but now i'll stop use buddy store and buy something that make me marked for blizz.... Curse cures curse.
One account got banned until the 10/05/2017 or 6 months. Based on the time line this account had only botted in the last 2 weeks. Others that didn't use the bot in that same window are completely fine. So the detection event was pretty recent. I believe so, particularly with how odd the paths are that the bot takes in many cases. The account I got hit on was only used to level different characters so no farming or anything. I was pretty suspicious of the leveling profiles since they have multiple issues that I believe make then stick out like sore thumbs.
Banned until May 2017 aswell... and i just got my 7th character to level 110 yesterday 3 of them we're leveled with Honorbuddy and 4 by myself btw. well shit...
so.... what do we do now. weve paid money etc etc now we are banned a ton of us lost all that time and money
That is the nature of the game with bots man, you enter into it knowing the risks. If you don't know the risks you're kind of stupid.
10/10 Accounts wrecked. Some of which I only did CR with No auto interrupt or anything. This program is 100% detected. You're not being banned from reports, I mean sometimes you are, but the fact of the matter is Blizzard has detected the injection to World of warcraft and it's nothing but downhill. Injection detected, rekt honorbuddy. They'll keep updating and selling the product but no matter what, no account is safe at all anymore and there's literally no point in using this program anymore.
HAVE A QUESTION THAN..... How do you permantly delete this program off your pc complately where there is no trace what so ever
False. i havent botted or played wow for last 2 years........Just bought wow+legion yesterday. Bot was down so i wasnt botting. Bot came on today so i did bot for 1 hour with combat bot base messing around on quests. and i log off..go to work i come home and find out i am 6m suspension