Just to let people know who might not think about it. Even though an account is banned, the actual battle.net is fine. If you start another wow on the same battle.net account you are still granted access to all your pets, toys, most mounts and achievements. As well, any new achievements you get will granted to your "mains" when they come out of retirement. Just thought I;d mention it. Have a good of day as you can in the wake of this tragedy.
Thanks for the info, I already created a new account and bought legion up and all, can I add this new account to my old bnet?
It just... seems so stupid. Like I get that people have reported getting banned on some accounts and not others, on the same battlenet. I just don't understand how that's not the first thing Blizzard looks at.
I'm debating buying WoW again right now. Do you think their detection is deactivated? I'm not worried about an eventual ban, but I don't want to buy a brand new account only to have it banned a few hours from now.
Said differently, each instance of a game on a Battle.net account is a separate license. They only apply punishment to the specific game license associated with the detection or report... Same reason you can get banned in Overwatch or D3 and not have anything happen to your WoW accounts.
I absolutely would not bot on any new account you get right now. At the very least, I wouldn't bot until Bossland issues a statement on the status of things.