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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by ono, Nov 13, 2016.

    1. ono

      ono New Member

      Nov 13, 2016
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      So I am interested in purchasing Rebornbuddy, but I have a few questions that I'd like answered. These are more or less just reassurances, and I apologize in advance if these were asked prior, or somewhere else.

      1) While the bot is running (ex: gathering), can I type into the chat box without it being interrupted, or screwing up the bot. As well as screwing up what I'm typing.
      2) When leveling gathering using the bot is there anything of note I should know?
      3) What are profiles/plugins coded in? Is there any significant knowledge I should know in order to make my own profiles/plugins?
      4) Are profiles/plugins still actively developed and maintained, or am I left to my own devices?
      5) Will the key ever be lifetime again, or is it a yearly subscription for the foreseeable future?
      6) What are some of your go-to plugins/profiles that you utilize on a daily, or weekly basis?
      7) How long does it typically take for the bot to be in working order after a major & minor patch?

      If you answer any of these questions, thank you in advance! I appreciate, and look forward to your responses. :)
    2. ComfyEcho

      ComfyEcho New Member

      Mar 25, 2016
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      1) Yes.
      2) Nothing in particular, although there is a "Gathering" mode in the bot the "Order Bot" mode is usually the one used the most. For leveling, y2krazy's Order Bot profiles are typically the best. You can find them here.
      3) Profiles are XML, Plugins are C# to my knowledge. Profiles are much simpler to make than Plugins depending on what you want.
      4) It depends on the profile or plugin. Its up to the developer and/or maintainer.
      5) I doubt it but I would wager if demand for the bot dropped significantly after lifetime went away it might come back. Who knows.
      6) ExBuddy is a companion plugin that enables flying in Heavensward zones if you have it unlocked, among other very useful things. I'd wager anybody that uses Rebornbuddy seriously uses ExBuddy. I use y2krazy's leveling profiles and entrax's gathering profile daily.
      7) Typically the same day or the day after. MastaHG is pretty good about that.

      In my opinion, once you take the time to get all the profiles and working plugins setup it's worth it. There's a lot of work that still needs to be done (Black Mage 60 rotation when?) but it's the most functional and comprehensive bot available.
      Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
    3. ono

      ono New Member

      Nov 13, 2016
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      Thank you for your response. I decided to cave and buy Rebornbuddy. I just can't fathom doing the gathering grind by hand. Too painful.
    4. M4DH4TT3R

      M4DH4TT3R New Member

      Jan 21, 2015
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      yeah just picked it up myself used HB for awhile in WoW so familiar with the system which is helpful
      just waiting on email with key i think lol getting profiles and plugins installed and updated in the meantime
    5. wrzvrflw

      wrzvrflw New Member

      Dec 10, 2016
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      Question to the both of you. Did you like the bot in the end? Is it easy to use and did it live to your expectations?
    6. ono

      ono New Member

      Nov 13, 2016
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      Yeah it lived up to my expectations. Once you get the bot setup with the right plugins, and profiles you're pretty much set. I use it primarily for crafting and gathering and haven't had any bot related issues yet. Creating profiles isn't too difficult either, but it seriously helps to look through other peoples profiles and see what they do to accomplish things.

      All-in-all I like the bot. It gets the job done, and I'm seeing results.
    7. innovatek

      innovatek New Member

      Dec 8, 2016
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      Awesome, good to know - thanks.

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