just curious if we'll ever reach a point where we can queue for a duty and run it? Other bots do this but require a team of bots at current and thats not my cup-o-tea anymore. would love to be able to use something equivalent to dungeonbuddy from time to time though /cough anima wpn.
i want this also you have no idea how much massive money i would pay for this also , please someone if you want $$$ legit make this happen
It's something I'd like to add, but the largest api feature that we lack is the ability to see what ground aoes are present. Without this, dungeons would be impossible.
Not ideal but as an interim, wouldn't zekken function as such? Or is something more advanced required? Nonetheless - thanks for the reply! At least I know it's on your mind
Team - I will gladly put up seed money for the needed API for duties. I know it will be a large effort.