in fact,if I use _mulligan.txt,it works.but if I have no _mulligan.txt,I see it never works. If I use old Mulligan.cs,the bot can't work. I mean it only works with _mulligan.txt. any one like me?
So now I have 1 person saying mulligans don't work with _mulligan.txt and 1 person saying it doesn't work without _mulligan.txt.
I guess HB is down again but hopefully nothing will break when it does come back up... V124.1SE released. [1273] never replace spirit claws with another spirit claws [1254] don't penalize 1 ap spirit claws attacking into divine shield [1225][1261][1662] fix anyfincanhappen crash [1129][1254] silithid swarmer can only attack if hero has attacked account for temp attack in the 1 ap spirit claws attack penalty don't sim hero attack if hero attack penalty is 500+ many additions and a few adjustments to priority keep minions db fix shaman/warlock hero power rng penalties to check the hero power not the class and don't penalize if they are played after an inspire minion [1269][pm][1236][1229][more] drastically reduce value of playfields that have spare mana to hero power but didn't (ps. hero powers don't work in combos) [1289] add ragnaros firelord to priority targets db
wild pala with milligan.txt also never work wild pala with milligan.txt also never work I mean the mulligan.cs might wrong?
Could you give me silverlog from a match trying to use secret pally and another from a match without a _mulligan.txt then. Also where exactly are you putting the _mulligan.txt?
path:Silverfish\data\Data\Warrior\lz path:Silverfish\data\Data\Paladin\fz warrior: Silverfish\Data\Warrior\lz\settings.txt Silverfish\Data\Warrior\lz\_mulligan.txt Silverfish\Data\Warrior\lz\_discovery.txt Silverfish\Data\Warrior\lz\_combo.txt [Mulligan] mulltest string: AT_017,KAR_061,AT_071,BRM_024;warrior;mage;coin [Mulligan] final discards: AT_017 KAR_061 BRM_024 recalc-check########### mana changed 1 -100 1 10 1 10 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 21:32:27:3521 V124.1SE control 6000 face 15 twoturnsim 1200 ntss 6 20 400 playaround 50 80 ets 40 ets2 400 ents 30 secret weight 40 ####################################################################### pala: Silverfish\Data\Paladin\fz\settings.txt Silverfish\Data\Paladin\fz\_mulligan.txt Silverfish\Data\Paladin\fz\_combo.txt recalc-check########### mana changed 1 4 1 8 1 8 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 09:40:44:7456 V124.1SE control 5000 face 29 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 playaround 50 80 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 secret ####################################################################### mana 1/1
Hmmm, it looks like the mulligan was never even called for Paladin. Could you check more Paladin logs and see if they are all missing the two "[Mulligan]" lines at the start.
Okay I've fixed the default mulligan for the next release but I'm not sure about why paladin isn't mulliganing so I added a message in the logs to help figure it out. I probably won't have the MSG update ready for a few days but with the size of the update and an added curveball of the "carddb" data being relocated and reformatted to a few different files I wouldn't be surprised if HB is down for a while.
No I want a log from right before MSG/7.0. Releases are in the OP but you should probably wait until I put together a MSG release.
You need current log or old one? I just now gonna try your build nad can provide Pala log with current setup tonight.