Your HB installation is either corrupted or have some cache issues with one HB diagnostic tool, triggering graymagic errors. Try fresh reinstall on HB, clear your HB/WoW cache. If this do not help, try to remove the highlighted file, this would kinda help.
It will run if I remove that file, but it will not doing anything but ride around on a mount. I tried it for about 30 minutes and all it did was laps around the Ancient Mana quest area
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i don't know if its the profile or singular, but its does some weird things, -picking up mana flowers at guards. -heal at guards spontaneous. - standing still spontaneous at guards. - releases at spirit healer ending in ressickness, resulting in a big repair bill. (1000g) With other words, it's not good.
Thanks for the feedback obzzcure and sorry for the late reply. I see you are running Retribution 839ilvl on the Statecraft chapter. I would recommend switching to Prot if possible, since its hard even for tanks to survive on this Statecraft chapter in the elite-only Suramar City area. While I have tried to maximum dodge the detector elites, i dont think its technically possible to do it with the bot with 100% success rate. Regarding the picking flowers, you are correct, I should suppress it at all while on the Statecraft objectives, to minimize the travelling in this area at all. For the ress-sickness, I guess it is due to navigation issues on certain areas and the Honorbuddy core ress from Spirit Healer if cannot navigate to corpse. Keep in mind, corpse-navigation in Suramar City was nightmare up to one month ago, but nowadays they have mostly fixed and its much more viable.
Just wanted to say that this pack has been amazing. Used it to get the quests I hadn't completed on a few toons. Just curious if you've started with any of the profession quests? There isn't anything else on HB right now that comes close to this in terms of everything it offers and having it all in one place for quests is great.
Thanks for the feedback, koawinter! And happy holidays Yes, I have pre-coded quite a few profession quests already, but I am afraid, they are batched for release after finishing the remaining 4x Suramar chapters and preparing the Class Halls quests for release too. But I plan to start beta testing on those quests in the next 2 weeks, so you can PM me on Discord to get you into the beta, if you are willing to.
quest-A Big Score objective-find the stolen arcwine[in the menagerie] bug-toon keeps falling off the edge of the pathway into the pit. suggestion-adjust hotspot pathing for the quest? or figure out the mesh issues. tested 5 times in a row. toon falls off the edge onto a rock below. toon runs back up and around and falls off the edge again. thanks for the hard work and the fair price, the rest of the suramar profile is working fine so far!!
Thanks for the feedback, frosticus. I have finally made a workaround this HB servers navigation issue (after 2 months of fixed/non-fixed from the nav server - no idea why, sometimes bot fails off the cliff, sometimes it is getting around). Currently, I have made several blackspots around this edge and out of several tries, bot does not fall, while travelling east for the Blood and Wine chapter.
Love this package. Been saving me so much time while getting my alts ready through doing the Suramar quests. Defo one of the best questing profiles out there, even tho I don't use it for leveling I'm sure it's good for that too. The only problem I have right now is that you're updating so much concerning leveling when in fact I think most people are using it simply because of the Suramar questline. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get the whole Suramar questline done and then tweak and tune the 100-110 experience? Anyway thanks for a great pack, hope you had a good x-mas and new year!
im still working on the rep too. yesterday i farmed all the upgrade mana tokens and farmed 1800 mana. i spent all 1800 mana on withered and came out with something along the lines of 2500rep. might work out for you too.
When i try to buy it on buddystore it wont let me pick any eu stuff anymore? all is on chinesee im guessing? Only when trying to buy this product from you. any ideas?
Hello. We, comdevs have no access to the payment gateways, indeed. For all payment issues, please contact the official BuddyStore support.
the pay portal should offer you the option to use credit/debit cards. you can find a prepaid visa card anywhere on the web that will work fine.