Hello, so, I'll explain you my probleme here and thank you in advance for your helping. Whenever I launch Honorbuddy, it does not allow me to chose my routine, the only routine is the default one. Though, I bought on the store one routine for drood. The routine is displayed in my purchases and the streaming is enabled. I'll provide you a log to see what happens. View attachment 6224 2017-01-02 21.54.txt Best regards.
As stated in my first post, it is, I double (or triple) checked it. That doesn't seems to be the answer unfortunately...
Buddy Store Bought with the account "strombulo" EDIT: After many tries, reinstalls, some items download properly (one quest profile in fact) but none of the routines... Even Singular doesn't work properly, as a drood heal it never heals me in battle.
Maybe it's just the routine is dead... Can't see it in the store (Tuanha druid) Guess i'll have to buy another one
Tuanha is no longer supported through the buddystore. Go to his website and ask him for a key for your CR.