I need the UILogg for that match. They are located in Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\Ultimate Logs
I try Pirate Warrior Mid Shaman (jade version ) in aggro and control routine 12h each and i get 15lvl with winrate 40%
bot attacks into a 7/7 for no reason as the the title says.. bot attacks into a 7/7 with a last charge of a rusty hook.. i think just to prevent missing the damage because after hitting the 7/7 he play first mate, but he could just attack enemy face instead
Hi Otis, if doomsayer is on the board and we are unable to kill it, all attacks should go face. Would you need a log to be able to fix this? It just used druid hero power on doomsayer instead of face...
@bobo0010 Thx. Yes it is because of the latest change I made. Didn't think it will attack random minions when it's not allowed to attack face... Will fix it with the next update. @iLevi yes, please
Hello ! Big fan of your work despite some gameplay mistakes, i'll try to point them out next time i see those ! I'm just wondering if the whole project is working with a different language than english (german for instance) ? I'm Also wonderinf if switching to "PLAggro" in settings/DefaultRoutine makes the bot Aggro or do i have to change the line in the routine doc ? You'll probably understand the second question by looking at this : Gyazo - be312a4c1eb620c72fbec6526f851684.png the hero focus the antonidas instead of face which would be a wiser play Thanks for your time
I've been using pirate warrior (from first post) and I'm stuck at rank 19 using PLAggro. Are my settings off or is everyone else having a tough time getting ranks? It's been like this for weeks, tried shaman as well.
Here too the bot prefers clear the board than ensure lethal at next turn View attachment UILogg_2017-01-05_10-05-31.txt
Nice! I understand your concerns on Drakonid Operative. First tests with my supervision however show that highest mana card seems to be superior to "just pick the first card or sth else if enough mana is still there to play it this turn" because the discover itself is somewhat expensive with 5 mana. The problem I had/have with p.turnCounter & p.ownMaxMana is that you got no Playfield(p)-object in the discovery-routine to pass as a parameter and I haven't found a good way to create one with current board state. If you look some LoC further to the standard discovery mechanic in the Defaultroutine, you'll see the "normal" discover with a board state calculation but the created Playfield is instantiated with Ai.guessnextmove in constructor (which itself creates an empty Playfield IIRC), so turncounter and maxmana will be 0. Maybe I need to setup Visual Studio and look into this more in-depth (just a Java-developer normally and never bothered with C# ) My current workaround is a class member variable that gets updated as soon as getPlayfieldValue() in PLControl is called because that function has the actual playfield. Im fairly low on time atm. If this round-counting stuff works I will PM you the code but if not you don't have to bother with it Oooooooor I will send it to you anyways so you can maybe figure this stuff out
@mikago00500 Thx! Will be fixed in the next update @derdj I think I got a pretty good solution. I just prioritize cards, witch are in databases(in PenalityManager) like priorityTargets, DamageAllEnemysDatabase etc. and "blacklist" others - still no clue how to pass the current playfield tho
Download latest update Update10.2! Best decks to bot with right now(06.01.17): (depending on the real oponnents and your rank ofc) Aggro Shaman My stats from today, used the old one without Doomhammer. Got pretty lucky to face six rogues - us server Mid Shaman (jade version recommended) / Pirate Warrior Dragon Warrior/Dragon Priest Jade Druid changelog: don't use Dragonfire Potion if we have minions on board witch will die and can attack but didn't attack yet added penality to play cards that draw cards after any actions(force to play them first) added Patches the Pirate to the specialMinions DB reverted because of bugs: never attack face with the last weapon charge unless we have another weapon in hand added tiny bonus to play Grimy Gadgeeteer added penality to use Life Tap at low health - unless lethal is really close removed penalities for Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt and Jade Lightning to use on face early tweaked behaviors: lowered carddraw value abit lowered value of big enemy minions if we have some taunts that block the damage lowered value of enemy minions with taunt if their attack is 0 lowered value of our weaker minions so the bot trades more with them and keeps bigger minions healthy(and alive)(PLAggro only) added penality if the heropower was chosen over playing a card(PLAggro only) higher value for priorityTargets(PLControl only) don't flood the board too much(adapted by sepefeet)(PLControl only) go more face if lethal is close(higher bonus the lower the enemy gets) - may be a bit high increased value of enemy minions if they have synergy with the enemy hero's class(e.g.: pirates with warrior) and more minor tweaks changed discover code(only applys if there is no priority list) prioritize cards in this order: priorityTargets cards that do AoE damage cards that do direct damage special minions(minions with an effect) legendary minions cards that buff attack weapons if two or more of these points apply, the values add up(e.g: Deathwing: legendary and deal aoe damage) (please tell me if a bad card was chosen so I can blacklist it)
I've been sick for a while so only botted for a night or two, but I've done some changes and went from 17 to 13, 13 to 10 and then from 10 to 5. Due to many PM's, this is the deck used to get to rank 5 this season. Winrate is about 58%.
China is known to have more aggressive and fast paced decks than we in EU so I can't promise you success, but trying doesn't cost anything I guess.