It'll swing once, walk away... hit another mob with an NPC hitting or tanking it... walk away. I've reported this previously. I didn't see it this time, but worse, is it'll constantly click on and off the mob if an NPC is tanking or hitting it. Looks awful. Log attached. Using Kick's leveling profile from the buddy store.
In what contexts are you seeing the bot do this? The log you have it seems you're doing the Holy artifact weapon acquisition - which that profile uses custom code to handle healing. Your bot shouldn't be attempting to fight any mobs in this profile.
That's troubling, since it's a DK. The context is normal questing. If the NPC is tanking and/or attacking something, it will select/deselect or select, attack, and move on. It's been in the bot for a while now, and I'd really appreciate this behavior getting fixed.