I face a difficulty with the specific profile , it rarely hits with Holy Hammers , he just waits for the falling sword to come out of cool down, and mainly strikes with this. He uses the 1-4 abilities without a problem , but it doesn't uses the main damage dealer of the build.
I have copy pasted that build, and i have all the gear needed for it! Crusader Holy Hammerdin Build with Blessed Hammer and Seeker of the Light (Patch 2.4.3 / Season 9) - Diablo 3
yes it is a bug, if falling sword gets off of cooldown, it uses it instantly, no matter what and since the set decreases it's cd by 1 sec on every cast + it decreses by 1 sec per target hit, it can easily get stuck in higher rifts (or anywhere with a cooldown reduce shrine) spamming falling sword not really killing anything i tried fixing the combat routine, but no matter what it won't work tried modifying the combat routine with Skills.Crusader.FallingSword.IsLastUsed and Skills.Crusader.FallingSword.TimeSinceUse < 5000 it seemed to ignore the settings
same here... if it hits a cd shrine or there are so many mobs, that falling sword is instantly off cooldown, he does not use the hammers anymore...
Still having the same problem as everybody else, routine spams falling sword over hammers when all skills are off cd.
there is a fix for the falling sword where you can set a deley, that change has instantly fixed any issues left with this build
Second poster has the update for the delay on falling sword and its really really helpful. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/293773-falling-sword-delay.html