With the new system of HB lifetime keys being reduced to a 2 year key..Why where they back dated so that pretty much the whole of the customer base will have to rebuy HB as of today. I would assume that this is illegal as when we bought it, it was for 3600 days and as such it is his legal obligation to supply the product as sold or leave himself open to be sued. I wouldn't mind the keys being reduced to 2 years but do it from the day you posted the notification. as in our keys will expire Jan 2019. Please inform me if I am mistaken as i'm not a consumer rights Lawyer but I am going to look this up. I cant afford to rebuy HB so i am left stranded and have had to unsign from all raids upcoming this week. Being in the middle of a raid boss fight when HB goes down is not on tbh.
not is legal... in hb spanish said finish key in 3 june 2018... Can we make a collective complaint? Gyazo - e9d271b61f5c728be38bdde94e7a5356.png
On top of it being likely that what he has done is illegal, The fact that we were given 4 days notice is utterly disgraceful. We should be treated like loyal customers and given PLENTY of notice to any changes so we can have our input. Are we nothing more than cash cows now.
Good for you. Some of us dont have the funds to rebuy and why should i lose over half of the days remaining on my key. especially with only a few days notice. I was assuming my key would expire in 2 years from the date of notification
wish mine was that easy. I had to send an email so they can attach it to the correct account. I probably wont be able to bot until tomorrow.
hmm maybe cos i still use the same paypal and email address from my original purchases in 2010 allowed me to have a smoooth transition
You guys are so damn whiny whats even worse is half these whiners didnt even buy theirs keys from HB they bought them 3rd party so they cant even contact support about it, also this bot can easily make you 10-20$ a day with very minimal effort and a 1 year key is about 30$ usd thats about 80 cents a day come on really..... Goodluck with you're lawsuits which will cost you thousands when you claim to not be able to afford 80 cents.... lmfao
Just bought WRobot, missing some profiles, but hopefully the once that have made products for Honorbuddy, sees that Honorbuddy is going to hell and starts developing for WRobot, it looks like a good platform, ban section is the same on the banwaves. To Bossland : Good luch have fun, don't screw with people like this, for me its not about money, but principle.... Lifetime is lifetime... if you need money then take a % of the developers and new customers.... every corrupt empire has fallen according to history.