I had several HB keys merged into a single login, a couple of them are now expired due to the lifetime change. One of which, is still valid until 2018. I am unable to login to HB with this key. HB says "The key entered is not an Honorbuddy key." When I click on the Keys page on the Buddy Auth Portal, the key type is "Merged." Can you please assist?
First understand if the lifetime key has time left on it then it has to be unmerged. you need to email support@thebuddyforum.com in order to have this done.
As ZoneHunter suggested, you have to mail support@thebuddyforum.com and request these active merged keys to gets unmerged. Because initially they were merged to your oldest lifetimes, which have already expired.
Hello I play from switzerland. I have the most recent vision, I bought today by paypal 1 year license, but no key get .. reason Bossland GmbH <https://honorbuddy.myshopify.com> Order # 45786 Your order has been canceled Order # 45786 was canceled and your payment has been voided. Refunded items They could tell me why it does not work .. have they problems -or ?? Best regards