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  • After removing the lifetime keys, is it safe to buy a new long term key?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Pralen, Jan 31, 2017.

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    1. Pralen

      Pralen Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      Are there any risks of buying a long term key and Buddy beeing forced to shut down by court order?
      And answer honestly, PM if needed.

      I'm asking because i don't like to be screwed twice without foreplay or even a kiss first..
      Have in mind that the once that trusted you with our accounts when court destroyed Glider. Where the same once that gave this bot the foundation, the money to expand to the bot that it is today.
      There where alot of options out there, but you got it, and we have been in alot of shit together. These people did not deserve the backstab. Agein anything you want to talk about please reply here or we can chat by PM.

      Forgive and forget huh...
    2. Zepio

      Zepio New Member

      Oct 16, 2014
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      If there would be a risk of them being completely shut down by a court order they should make that public aswell so people know the risk of getting a key. Most people would probably still get a key and continue botting as per usual but some might care who doesn't have the money to throw on a key for a program that might not be available in a short time. However I'm sure they learned the lesson from the last shit storm and will be more open about what is happening and why they are doing what they are doing.
    3. Pralen

      Pralen Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      Well public statement was not given from the day they desided to terminate lifetime keys, it came over a year after their clock started ticking so im not going to apologize for my trust issues here.

      I have no problem with buying a new key, money no problem, but that does not mean i like tossing money out the window.

      hopefully it's a lesson learned. Without us they are nothing..
    4. Pralen

      Pralen Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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    5. socrates3

      socrates3 Member Legendary

      Oct 25, 2016
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      Here's the way I see it, and this viewpoint probably may be offensive to some of the mods or so. But it's just something we need to talk about.

      Using We here, to refer to the community, not as if I work for Bossland.

      We play a dangerous game, cheating, treading between laws. Unlike most bots, we work out in the open and lean on the legal system. This has it's benefits and consequences.

      It's great because it allows for a higher-quality product. We can have public forums, publicly open up the API, sell the bot on a .com address using PayPal. It's sweet. We can even recruit high-quality community developers and be able to promise them that their work won't be stolen. They sign a contract, completely unheard of in the Bot-World. (Ok, I get they have to give up 60% of sales, but hey, it's still a legal contract. It's not them just email-ing files around to individual buyers)

      It sucks because we are playing a chess match we will probably lose, just looking at history.

      I hope that HB is always around, but I really think we can only look about 6 months into the future. For now, and for the forseeable future of 6 months, it seems like it's going to be OK.

      But we don't know.

      I'd say if you wanna make the most informed decision, go to the buddy announcements, read through everything, and come to your own conclusions.

      For me, I just try to make the most out of each day. And will worry about problems when they arise.

      Edit: This thread doesn't belong in support
    6. Pralen

      Pralen Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      No offence, and not trying to be a dick here, but Bosslands leagal battles are not my problem its theirs and Blizzards. It is a problem for me if they sell me a year long subscription for full price and the company shuts down after two months.
      As long as you have customers pre-paying for a product means you have some responsability. And since they allready been less than informative on the official forums, and im talking of course about the termination of lifetime keys, i'm entiteled to have trust issues.

      And if you look at the community after they killed the lifetime key users i think the use of "we" and "us" also is on point.

      And are you a forum admin? do you work with them since you almost speak on their behalfs? With that avatar and your way of acting might confuse people here. And i'm sorry to say its a rather foolish reply completly off topic and of no use for this thread. I have used HB since 2011 and Glider before that, so i allready know the "bot-world" as you so smoothly put it. I'm waiting for a honest reply from one of the admins, not a wannabe.

      It's support on whether to buy or not, I'm sure admin will move it when they reply if its in the incorrect sub-forum. It would be wise of the to reply for a repeating customer.
    7. socrates3

      socrates3 Member Legendary

      Oct 25, 2016
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      Well you're not going to get any answer to a question as asinine as that. Do you really expect them to PM you with answer to something like that?

      Of course im not a fucking admin. I don't see how you're confused. My name isn't blue, It doesn't say moderator. Until i am told to change it, it will stay. I even said about a million times in my reply I wasn't a fucking admin you idiot.

      I was just trying to give you some insight as someone else in the community, since that's the only answer you're going to get.

      Bossland isn't going to step in here and reassure you. Your topic is just trolling. Sorry I took the time to respond.
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    8. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      I personally don't think Honorbuddy will see a sunrise after April 2017.
      I'll never invest in Bossland again, the lost me with the lifetime "scam".
    9. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      not a support issues section

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