Upon Login the Map Image fails to load just showing a grey grid with broken Image Links. Tried to attach .jpg but attachment window wouldn't load.
Yes that was a bug we recently fixed, sorry for the delayed response, is everything working for you now regarding the map?
Everything is working correctly now, I figured it was something to do with Map Image Loading on the Source.
This is the exact same error I'm getting and many others on the forums are getting. Any idea what is causing this? I've even tried uninstalling and removing it and installing again, same problem. I have no antivirus installed or firewalls. Thank you, I love this program and i'm super stoked for its future updates to improve the gym battling and bug fixes for getting kicked off/having to relog back in and waiting a few minutes for the license session to expire. **Forgot to mention that to @Tony , this was another bug I noticed with LazyMon. Like Honor buddy or pokefarmer, when you for example accidentally close out the application, the server still sees you active, and you have to go to the buddyauth.com to kill the session. LazyMon does not show up there when you have to kill the session. Can you fine gentlemen implement that in the next update whenever the game bugs or crashes so that we can kill the LazyMon session and get back into the app. Thank you kindly and bot on and thank you again for this fine product! I'm stoked for the future updates! I think I read @CAcove mentioned that we would receive the implementation to put eggs in incubators with the app and use items like revives and potions etc? The gym is also fairly difficult to use because you can't see the pokemon doing anything and the special ability isn't represented similar to how it is in the game with certain abilities being a certain size energy bar.
@geofflyons12 As for potions and such, that will come with time, its slated for pending jobs, but we will get there. I am confident, that it is a different issue causing this map greyout, than last time, but we will get to the bottom of it!
@CAcove You da man! Thanks brother, I understand, also thank you kindly for the pm! Take it easy brother, and wish there was a way I could help but unfortunately I'm not adept enough at programming just yet. xD
Is there any word on a fix for map not displaying yet, 4 days and still cannot get lazymon to run with newest download. Everytime i submit a request i get told its solved and to refer to forums and i did but no one has a solve. Also, wondering if ill get 4 days added to subscription.
This issue has been addressed as of the latest update please grab the new update now and you should have no further issues.