Hi, i have windows 10, hb uses en layout, but isnt there a way to have wow en layout and everything other another layout? I thought that was possible before.
I mean to only change the keyboard layout for wow, so hb can work, but i dont need to write in a different layout. I think in prevoius windows that was possible.
HB is not related to your local keyboard layout. No matter if you are with US one, Chinese or Zimbabwe keyboard layout, HB should work, if properly installed.
I only had my language installed, i downloaded HB and after i startet it first the language keyboard manager appeared in the bottom. When i start my pc its set to my language, IF i start HB it switches to ENG. WHY? I know i didnt had ENG because i deleted it after i installed Windows 10. And also the Keyboard Manager was not there, only after i used HB.
Before installing itself, Honorbuddy installs several genuine Microsoft packages, which are requirements for HB operatuion, like .NET 4.5 and some other, so most likely those Microsoft packages could mess with the english kbd layout, but HB does not touch it. You can try removing English again, if you need to, and test the results.
Are you guys sure i can run hb without the en keyboard layout? Doesnt it need it for specific keystrokes? Oo I removed now. But im not sure if i can be sure if there is no consequence of it. Most keys are the same, so it wont break everything.