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  • Some advice from this amazing community. 9 accounts banned in 1 week?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Defnottabot, Mar 3, 2017.

    1. Defnottabot

      Defnottabot New Member

      Mar 3, 2017
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      I want to start off by saying that this product is super impressive and without it, I wouldn't be playing WoW at all. So, before I continue, please understand that I am a loyal customer and advocate of Bossland regardless of my experiences and I fully accept the fact that if I bot, I will get banned. I don't have an issue with that. With the disclaimer out of the way:

      I've been caught in every ban wave since November. After every ban wave I do a fresh wipe and reinstall of my PC and start from scratch. The ban waves I surprisingly don't have an issue with. Something's been happening since the 2/1/17 banwave that is rather peculiar and I'm hoping you guys can help me figure it out.

      I started my bots back up approximately 3 weeks ago on 3 Legion accounts. I moved across country and the day after I fired them up I got 3/3 perma ban. My baseless theory is that they flagged me due to a geolocation change. My reasoning is that all three bots were doing different things the entire duration. I had one doing BGs, one doing WQs, and another doing herbing. I paid for Millz BGFarmer, Millz Chaos DH routine, use the public WQ profile, and use Alisha's ProfitMaster (all amazing products, BTW). All botted chars I play are DH. Only the herber was using the AH and, in my experience, I haven't been player-report banned on all accounts unless they happened to be doing the same things. Either way, I chose to say fuck it and continue on.

      ~3 days ago I spun up 6 legion accounts, got them to 110 using the auto-loader and began BG chaining. Two of them got banned in the middle of the leveling process and never used BGFarmer. I do want to admit that I ran them 24/7, but I haven't had ANY issues doing this and the auto-loader is sweet as hell (props EchoTiger and anyone else that put love into this, I can tell) and I've NEVER gotten a ban using JUST the auto loader before.

      So, 4/6 were BGFarmer and 2/6 were Auto-Loader leveling. None of them queued together for BGs and I didn't get any whispers threatening to report me. Within about 5 minutes, all 6 were suspended for 6 months, one at a time about a minute apart. The ban email said I was "reported." Logic would tell me that the likelihood of getting ALL 6 reported and BANNED within 5 freaking minutes doesn't smell like player report.

      Another piece of this puzzle is that my roomate is also using HB on one account. He has been doing this for 3 weeks and using the exact same profiles and buddy store botbases. I've been banned on 9 accounts in this time and he's doing the same thing and hasn't had any issues.

      Now, my experience prior to now is that when you have all accounts on the same b.net, they don't care about any other account than what was reported. What MAY have happened here is that someone did report me, triggered a manual investigation, and that person took it upon themselves to review all account activity across the b.net account and drop ban hammers one at a time. Not sure.

      This doesn't smell like player reports or detection and now I have my tin foil hat on and think they have flagged me in some way. I've read all the best practices on the forums and what to do if you are "flagged." Well, I think I'm doing everything correctly. Maybe not.

      Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

      Are DHs specifically getting flagged?
      Am I flagged somehow that I'm not aware of? I've changed IP hw address, etc and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
      Is this because I have multiple WoWs on the same b.net? Should I try one on a new b.net?
      I don't think this has to do with play time because my roommate is doing the same thing and I would think he would have gotten caught too.

      Anyway, I hope my post didn't put too many people to sleep, I'm just trying to be thorough. I would like to spin some bots back up, but CLEARLY I am doing something wrong. I believe in coincidence to a certain degree, but this is a bit ridiculous. Before I lose another 360/380 bucks in a week, I'd like to get as much info as I can from you guys.

      Thanks in advance and please let me know if you have any questions.

    2. sebbeox

      sebbeox New Member

      Aug 17, 2013
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      must have pissed off blizz pretty badly to get banned that fast lmao.
    3. Defnottabot

      Defnottabot New Member

      Mar 3, 2017
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      I've burned through 28 accounts in the last 6 months across 5 bnet accounts in 3 banwaves and ~8 player reports. I'm not for profit, I don't sell gold. Just an old nerd with a life, job, and money I can piss. Everything seemed ok until 2/1. Also, most people either don't notice or don't care my DH are bots in BGs because they have top damage dealt most of the time because the Chaos combat routine by Millz is seriously crazy good. I've even had other players tell people bitching about reporting me to shut up and they'd report me when that person could do better.

      Anyhoo, yeah. Not sure why they hate me so much :) Also, these guys are all on different servers -_- WTF blizz, WTF. Let me have fun ffs I paid a shit ton of money, at least let me bot casually a month or two between bans. :)
    4. Druid07

      Druid07 Member

      Nov 30, 2016
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      That's what I thought.

      Try playing legit now - if they flagged you, you should get banned right? I'd run 1 legit account with HB never attached and on a different bnet you can run 1 HB for testing purposes
      Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
    5. dragonbuddy

      dragonbuddy Member

      Dec 29, 2014
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      I know for a fact that they use payment method to track you, so try using a different one, its what got them off my back after being tracked hard like you seem to be.
    6. Raaz

      Raaz Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      Multiple WoWs on the same b.net is bad.
      Should I try one on a new b.net? Yes, a different B.net for each one.
      Known fact, botting is highly observed the first 72 hrs after creation.
      Bg's = ban city.
      They will scan your computer and ban everything using the same WoW.exe if you're reported on one bot.
      1 account will always be safer than 6 accounts running at one time because of what I stated above.
      If you moved your location and received perma's not related to botting, e-mail them and it will get overturned more than likely. I had that happen with one of mine when I was logged on to my VPN by mistake.

      Just my 2 copper
    7. rabbit79183

      rabbit79183 New Member

      Aug 18, 2014
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      use different BN account didn't work , too

      same with you , got banned Whole February
      1.after banwave , create new 3 Bn Account , lived 12 day , after that
      2.create new 3 Bn Account again , lived 7 day
      3.create new 3 Bn Account again , lived 4 day
      4.create new 3 Bn Account again , lived 3 day
      all are different BN.net account

      and this is my step when i restart botting
      1.ghost my computer [3 computers , call them ABC]
      2.change my ADSL ip
      3.change my mac and Hard Disk Serial Number , win 7 Serial Number , and all etc what you can think about
      4.sign up 3 New BN account [A computer to sign up A BN account , use B to sign B . use C to sign C , like that and only use for it self]
      [and every account is different Identity content , different email , different Pay way]
      5.Download wow from official site and install it
      6.download HB
      7.start bot , only run one wow process at the same time
      8.create DK , level up to 70
      9.create DH , level up to 110

      [leveling -> 12hours/day ][after level 110 -> 4 hours WQ + 8 hours gather]
      [PS:before February , never got ban in this way , after last big banwave ,.,., anything changed ]

      My main account is never using HB and not got ban
      but is the same ip , router , etc.... with that 3 computers
      [and i am running Internet cafe , my customer with never using HB , thay didn't got banned too]

      My last 3 account , only survive 3 day
      that have two accounts are still a DK , and got banned
      because their level is too low
      hard to believe banned by report

      And different Identity content , different email , different Pay way

      so , not IP ban , not ban by report , not Identity content or Payway

      The rest of the same factors?

      You know what is the answer

      and just like u , i don't wanna test anymore

      anyway , u can create new account , and run HB just 5 mins , then exit wow and waiting
      see how many day u will got ban
      at last , your will know , is your got BZ Focus , or HB got BZ Focus ...

      really sad , :( . and i am really sorry about my badbadbad english
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    8. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Excuse me, but have to comment within your quote for clear results:
      Dont get sad, this is called experience!

      And your English is good, no worry!

      Good luck.
    9. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      You're so lucky. AT LEAST you're getting your accounts back! I was about to post my experiences with the bot, because I've had a way worse time and I'd like to know what I can do to bot 'normally' again. I've been a suicide botter for a year now and I've been enjoying it, but recently I keep getting banned. And I do NOT even get my accounts back now! They get PERMANENTLY CLOSED after 4 hours of turning on the bot. This has been happening since the February Ban wave. AFter that, I've been running FIVE test bots - one a time, and all of them have been banned. First it took a week, then 3 days, 2 days, 1 day, and now the recent only 4 hours. I went to the community to receive some feedback about what I could do, and I have tried the following:

      Reinstall WoW
      Reinstall my Windows on PC and my Laptop
      Reinstall HonorBuddy
      Create new e-mails for now accounts
      Reset my router several times and between botting sessions
      Use different profiles for different herb routes(I have been using Questing and then Gatherbuddy2 for gold farming)
      Tried to run my bot on my friend's PC - but he lives with me so we use the same router, just another PC. Got banned in no time
      Did not log in on any of my older accounts while making a new botting account on my PC
      Reduce the amount of time I was botting
      Heavily increased preventive behaviour from getting banned(superwising, less botting, changing profiles, stop the bot and act human) - nothing helped

      I have 3 accounts from previous ban-waves that are returning 17th of March and I have no idea what to do with them. Are there any suggestions, tips or help what to do with this? Maybe from an HB employee? Anyone? As OP and as a suicide-botter I am also well aware of what botting means, but I can't use this product at all now.
    10. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      This guy's experience looks A LOT like mine. Also because it happened after February ban.
    11. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      It looks similar, indeed.

      But I had almost the same issue on 4th of Feb, when my fresh bot got banned 24 hours after starting botting, was not even 110, due to moderated leveling, then I reinstalled all, and I am still running strong for over a month on several accounts since then (no suicide herbing, but still botting hard on various activities in Legion lands, including casual herb/ore farming)

      So you both definitely need to find out what made you targeted so fast - On first call it could be the suicide farming, but both do not look like the general suicide mass-farmer, which usually run 5-10-20 legion farmers, spread into 2-3 machines. You are running single farmers per machine, which is odd ...
      Unless of course Blizzard to target solo-botters too, which is again very odd ... but indeed possible!
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    12. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      Hmm. I see what you mean Aion. Maybe it was just a coincidence you experience 1 quick ban and you reacted in a healthy way indeed, but maybe it was not needed to reinstall your pc(it's always good to do, no matter what) - maybe you're not in Blizzard's scope and we are? We spoke before and I did what you mentioned and what people told me what to do and nothing helped. :/
    13. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      We live in virtual world, aka internet, so words like "nothing helped" means you have found just another way, which have not worked ;)

      No offence of course, but you should indeed do complete wipeout, when targeted. Its not easy indeed, but it delivers.
    14. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      I am convinced I have done what you believe in your arsenal is to 'wipeout' your existence from Blizzard's scope. I am convinced you have never been there, because it's obvious that being banned once and then having a full run thereafter just mean you've been banned.
    15. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Yea, thats what make my concerns!

      There should be a valid logic reason for Blizzard to safely link your new and former accounts. And it obviously slip around us for now.
    16. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      I'll try to get on HB Discord and find help. :) If anyone else has any feedback/suggestion or just experiences, please share them!
    17. Suarnix

      Suarnix Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      When people are going to understand that after every ban you need to get new IP/Windows install/HWID/Mac address to minimize the chance of getting auto flagged/banned. I dont really know which of those are necessary but if you don't want to get banned within a week just do it and I can promise you it will help with your bans.
    18. Tensta1337

      Tensta1337 Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      I did that. Did not help. Thanks though
    19. Druid07

      Druid07 Member

      Nov 30, 2016
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      How about you test it yourself to figure out what's causing the bans? Like get cheap battlechest accounts and do things differently? First of all try playing (just sit afk in the game go pick 2 herbs smthin) without HB and then turning it back on after few days, use different payment method or buy game keys, use unpopular VPN or get 3g/4g USB modem, use VMW/different PC?
      (Buy a new house, change your vehicle registration plates, get a new identity, move to another country)
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    20. Suarnix

      Suarnix Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      You're doing something wrong than. Keep in note that blizzard knows when you are using public v pn. The only way to trick blizzard is to setup your own wpn on vps.

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