I'm running into the issue where I'm botting heroics and as it received Relics of Artifact power.. it instantly uses it. How do I stop it!
I'm assuming you're using the 100-110 questing pack on the Questing botbase? If not, I'll need to at least know what you're using. If so, you can disable it on the "Profile Config" menu. The profile config button only appears when the bot is actually running, and you're in a questing area (eg: Highmountain) It won't appear if the bot is stopped, or if you're on a transitional profile such as the order hall profiles.
I don't believe there's an option to turn it off with DungeonBuddy at the moment. However, there's a feature request on the internal tracker for an option to be added that will allow you to toggle it. So hopefully the option to toggle this on/off for DungeonBuddy will be there soon.