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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Demondog70, Apr 11, 2017.

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    1. WTB A Noob

      WTB A Noob Member

      Oct 23, 2012
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      Incorrect sir, I do wish you best of luck on your next retort dealing with things you clearly have little experience in. But keep that ego inflated as it might get you somewhere in life where your capabilities wouldn't.
    2. Catmeat

      Catmeat Guest

      That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. Your analogy was stupid. Get over it. Ego? More like common sense. Using this bot you will get banned. There's nothing egotistical about that. Geez you guys, lol.
    3. WTB A Noob

      WTB A Noob Member

      Oct 23, 2012
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      lmao, too easy sir.
    4. Catmeat

      Catmeat Guest

      Saying sir makes you sound like a clown.
    5. Smashin

      Smashin Member

      Apr 5, 2017
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      lol You are always going to find the honorbuddy bandwagon freaks that will stick to this product till they die. Truth is blizz has way more money to throw at way smarter people to get what they want maybe even corrupt the right kind of people to gain a advantage. Has anyone ever sat back and seen what blizzard does right before a bann wave? They will discount their services to rope you into spending tons of money then BAM. Hit you with a bann and you just lost everything you spent while they sit back and they piss themselves laughing so hard by screwing you over. If my calendar is right we are coming up on the 3rd month hence why i havnt touched the bot in over a month to avoid any possible hit and also account transferring alts to a non botted account so i can protect what i have gained over the last 2 months. gl to the rest of you who dont follow that principle im just a casual botter i dont do it to sell shit just to keep my account flowing with gear and mounts.
    6. WTB A Noob

      WTB A Noob Member

      Oct 23, 2012
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      Sounds like a smart business model to me. if you can't beat them, milk them! haha.
    7. thx1138

      thx1138 New Member

      Aug 25, 2011
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      Well that doesnt work. Whenever I have an account banned that i have used with paypal i always request refunds for any services and cd keys and am always refunded
    8. Smashin

      Smashin Member

      Apr 5, 2017
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      yes but i get banned telling people to do that very thing from bossland saying they dont condone illegal actions but i always thought of it as fighting against blizzards illegal actions scanning our system to find hb. What i dont understand is why hasnt anyone found a anti malware or somthing of that sort to stop blizz from scanning so we can survive longer? Im no computer genius but if they can scan to prove we are using then why cant we counter that scan?
    9. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      We had this tripwire and update discussion now hundreds of times.
      There will never be an ETA for an update and we only will share news if there are news to share.
      If you do not believe in tripwire, fine. Does it mean it does nothing? NO!
      Dev's are getting better and better in understanding what blizz does and how they get us.
      Does it mean there will be a 100% bullet proof version in the future? NO!
      Statement is always: Bot at your own risk. If you can't afford loosing an account don't bot.
      We do our best to make the bot secure but blizz is doing their best to get us.
      Not to forget that they know the source code of their client/server stuff and what comes next.
      We need to reverse engineer things and give stuff a good guess :)

      So please stop this discussion. If you don't trust the bot anymore, go with a competitor product.
      An update takes a couple of days and this is not what you expect? Well, go with a competitor product.
      You got banned with other programs or you are missing functions? Well, we're happy to see you again then soon :)

      Things need their time but that does not mean anyone here is lazy or we twistle thumbs.
      Ok maybe Tony does -aaaaaaragh- ;-)
    10. Shadowpally2305

      Shadowpally2305 New Member

      Dec 21, 2013
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      Bahhh just as i get used to having my bot back a new bloody release drops! hopefully up and running faster than the last one so we can at least use it for more than a couple of days (with tripwire) on before the next ninja patch

      Fingers Crossed *behind Back*
    11. yelbatu

      yelbatu New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      Some says " there are small group of players whos waiting for the tripwire enabled version" That is wrong, Ive been checking the forums for almost 10+ days without opening a new thread, bought a subs without checking forums, couldnt event just run the app once but my subs still expires...

      I had 3 lifetime subs that they canceled, I said nothing which is not nice... I should've bought 1 or 2 years If I knew that but anyway this is business, now I buy 1 month when I need bot because Im not sure if they would cancel it with some reason that I dont care.

      About the release They keep saying tomorrow, maybe the day after that and when the day comes, we got nothing at all.

      And complaining about something you paid for is not wrong, who are you guys to call it crying ? I paid I can complain, you have to mind your own f* business :)

      Have nice day..
      Jackevorkian and STaliban like this.
    12. Smashin

      Smashin Member

      Apr 5, 2017
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      You ask people to stop talking about it but you give little to no hope in that the bot is going to function. How many times have you said we found out what they did and then bam we get hit with another 3 month bann wave. Then you kill the lifetime which is ok you need to make money i understand but then you kill the year keys too? Thats a bit crazy you can still make money on the year subs. just charge more. amazon does it and you dont see them crying they have no money or dropping subs and changing it without ample advance notice not the sudden ( hey sorry we kiled the year subs if you dont like it tuff sht). So before you open up and say stop talking about it maybe try to help the community that has supported you for years and lined your pockets with millions of dollars to and still with the lack of protection still do so to be able to use your product. all we ask is to improve down time maybe get more dev to help you if you continue to sell this product. Look at it from consumer side if you pay for a product you want to be able to use it not sit and wonder when its gonna be available.
    13. Smashin

      Smashin Member

      Apr 5, 2017
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      Im not crying by anymeans im still waiting for the next wave to come and go so i can start up we all love this bot and yes its the best out there to get rid of that annoying daily grind called wow and enjoy the fun parts but without the bot working we cant do either.
    14. Jackevorkian

      Jackevorkian New Member

      Apr 2, 2017
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      That one mod that does nothing but being ignorant it is the one you just mentioned.

      Can't wait to see how much time we get on our key, mine was about to expire this month, hopefully it will be extended a few months for all this wait.. than I will definitely be moving on to another bot regardless of how good HB is compare to it.. Just for the fact that the policy here is shit.. few mod no one can't stand.. and they way you guy's laugh at your community when we disagree on things and let you know about it.
    15. Dialon

      Dialon Member

      May 14, 2014
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      All suits me. I wonder why people are whining. Bot reoriented to another audience. On those who are now apparently the main buyers. All the criticism and the wishes of those who are not overboard will not change. It's funny just to see it. You are in a minority. The user base is large and disgruntled so little. But screaming disgruntled louder than all.
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
    16. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      This thread has gone crazy.

      All I was saying was that you released a disable tripwire version please release a tripwire version soon or THIS will happen. Another update and now we will have to wait another 4 days to a week, maybe more and the chances of a new update before the next release dropping goes up...

      And Yes I get it. Releases take time because of all the walking thru Blizz code but if we are going from update to update where is the time to use the bot? Somehow someway you need to work faster and smarter.
    17. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      I guess if all everyone was doing was botting for gold then this would be a ton simpler because accounts are basically throwaways and just mad rush to bot as much gold as possible and devil be damned if you get caught because you just put another up but for some we bot to max out accounts so we can play high level content and yes bot some gold on the side so we can pay our monthly fees...These are the ones most affected right now....because the accounts are more valuable to them....and yes we know we can lose them....we know the risk but we still want to keep them
    18. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      There is an official thread that work is under progress but without an ETA.
      If you look around ww you see that this is quite normal in software development.
      Example: Windows 10 is being released and software you used worked under win8.1 but is not yet compatible with Win10. Are you going to complain there too like you do here?
      If we release a product to fast and not enough tested people complain. If it takes too long (where "long" is a feeling) people also complain. If we give an ETA and can't hold it for a reason .......ah you know where this is going.

      Sure you can complain about everything and as soon as you pull the "I paid for it trigger" we have to shut up and agree but that does not speed anything up or make "what you want" reality.
      Fact is the bot is constantly being worked on. You can like it or not thats how it is. Write your own bot if you think you can do better or trust another company. As soon as they get the first letter from blizz things will be closed there.
      Does it mean we can do whatever we want and we do not make mistakes? Hell no. There are so many things where we can become better in and what was done wrong in the past but we're still here and try to learn and become better.

      This also means having the same discussions again and again does not lead anywhere, that's something learned. :)
      Follow the official thread please. There you find everything about the status of the next update what we can share atm. and also info about time regulations if needed.

      @threadstarter: Yes it is frustrating and I understand that you want us to speed up things and that waiting is something no one likes but status updates are not made in single user threads like this but in the official section for everyone.
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