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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      great cc ...i must be missing something but i thought i had turned off bloodlust but it keeps casting is there a way in the code ormaybe a option 2 disable bloodlust ..i was tryin 2 run combat/heal bot in bh and it did lust on trash and at boss

      gonna try via the lazy mansetup i found on page 134 .
      Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
    2. kirewade

      kirewade New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      With the new release of hb there is a do nothing bot, can we just select that and set the leader plugin to do the lazy raid? anyone try this yet i havnt been able to get into a raid to try it yet.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      froggystyle, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread which is the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE]. It has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      kirewade, You can use the Lazy Raider setup in any group. You can use it for 5-man dungeons. To test selecting another tank like you would need to in a raid, just select one of the melee DPS with SetTheLeader and see if he is now treated as the leader for the purposes of following and targeting. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      xxAhzz, Thanks for the post. As always, I would need a complete debug log file with constructive criticism, issue, or change request posts prior to making a change. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] for details on where to find the debug log file and how to attach. Once the detail is available however, I will absolutely look at a change that looks to improve upon combat with low-level targets. Note that Elemental and Resto Shaman always use Ranged pulls. Fast and Body are only an option for Enhancement. Thanks for your help in improving ShamWOW, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
    6. Crimson129

      Crimson129 New Member

      Mar 13, 2010
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      Should u still use the Lazy Raid setup with Mr.Autofight and SetTheLeader with the newest HB?
    7. Undeadlol1

      Undeadlol1 New Member

      Dec 5, 2010
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      Hey Bobby53. First of all, i tried every cc, and leveled every possible combination of class/spec at this bot, and can clearly say that Shamwow is teh best cc.
      But i cannot use it :( My priority at this game is pvp, and ikeep getting *suspend* for running this cc in bg. The problem is that bot *stick's* to the enemy player and moves very bottish. Example: rogue (or any over close combat class) running in circles while damaging me, and bot moves exatly how enemy player. This piss people off.
      I hope you undearstand what i am try to say. English is not my mother language
      Ps. my question is- is there a way to change this or will you go forward to solve this problem?
    8. codycos1029

      codycos1029 New Member

      Sep 3, 2010
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      Currently in wow there is a bug where if you Que and it is not instant as horde you sit in it for 40 mins, but if you keep re queuing every 4 mins or so its normally much faster.

      Im wondering if there is a way to set it to ReQ every 4 minutes or so. Thx.
    9. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Now i don't have a log for you YET. I will have one when i raid again tomorrow as i'll make sure to start/stop to single out the issue for you. The issue is that i was healing a boss fight the required quite a few decurses/dispells. The clearly remember the shaman attempting to decurse targets as the emote the dwarfs use is quite easily recognized. Recount at the end of the fight showed myself decursing 1 target (4.5% overall) compared to a paladin who had 18 and a few others in between. I have the decurse talent as well.

      If this is something known, please let me know, otherwise i will work on getting you the incident isolated into a log for you. On another note, i topped the healing but was running oom for a good 20% of the fight xD (104k mana pool).
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Undeadlol1, Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure what you mean by you keep getting *suspend*. Additionally, the term "moves very bottish" is too ambiguous for me to do anything about. There are so many different stages and types of movement that only saying movement is bottish doesn't identify anything specifically that can be improved. Please be sure to attach a complete debug log file. That way I will know a great deal more than I do at this point about which Bot you are using, your spec, configuration, and combat scenario and contains way more detail than can adequately be described in a post. All of these impact the behavior and a required to know in any enhancement or trouble shooting situation. For details on how to do that, see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions page [CLICK HERE]. I am at a point where I can focus on some PVP improvements for ShamWOW, but cannot do anything regarding your post until receiving more detailed descriptions and a log file that allows me to identify opportunities for improvement. It will be critical that you note the time that a problem you witnessed occurs. Since the log file won't contain a marker saying "undeadlol1's problem starts here", I need for you to observe the computer time it occurred and provide that in the post so I can focus in that area.

      Please also be sure to mention what you would expect to see, which at times is equally as important as telling me what you did see. For example, if I am another playing in the battleground watching the fight between your Shaman and the rogue, it would appear like a reasonable attempt by the Shaman player to keep the rogue in front. Even though the Shamans dodge and block won't be big numbers, any damage mitigation is more beneficial than none and keeping the rogue in front gives you better damage mitigation than if he gets behind you where it will always be 0% dodge, 0% block. Additionally, you have very few offensive abilities that can be cast while an enemy is behind you (Thunderstorm[Elemental Only], Feral Spirit[Enhancement Only], Fire Elemental Totem, Magma Totem, Searing Totem, Lightning Shield.) Please also be specific about the remedy or improvement you would like to see. In this case, it sounds like you are saying to let the rogue get to the Shaman's back which would typically result in it dying quickly due to being unable to cast damage spells and leaving the Rogue to Kick attempts to heal. Its ok to request that, but be specific with what you would like to see in the same way you are with what you did see. Thanks for the post and I look forward to your follow up, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lukeyboy89, If Decurse was successfully cast, it is possible your Decurses were getting sniped (another players decurse cast completing before yours.) The same thing can happen with Interrupts and Effective Healing. With only one curse to dispel and multiple people dispelling, only the first gets credit. Since there is not immediate feedback on this, you would only be able to see that in Recount or by some other means of analyzing the Combat log (like worldoflogs.com or wowmeteronline.com). ShamWOW currently places a higher priority on interrupting and healing than dispelling (which occurs only if everyone is to the Need Heal %.) In fights requiring you to be more focused on Decursing and Less on Healing, you could lower your Group Health %'s. As for the Cleanse Spirit talent, I'm not sure which one specifically you mean. Cleanse Spirit decurses by default, but there are talents to allow removal of magic effects [Improved Cleanse Spirit] as well as heal if a harmful effect is removed [Cleansing Waters.]

      As for running OOM for 20% of the fight, I'm not aware of places where ShamWOW is wasting mana so you would need to make the same types of changes you would if you were going OOM when playing by hand:
      1) use less mana: don't use Windshear, set the Interrupt Style to None [melee DPS will handle]
      2) use less mana: heal less [lower your Group Healing health %'s]
      3) more mana: increase the size of your mana pool
      4) more mana: increase your mana regen
      5) be sure to have mana pots on hand
      6) setup raid to require less healing [better strategy, better players, better gear, ...]

      Hope that helps. I'll keep an eye out for the post with the log file. Thanks, Bobby53
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      codycos1029, This is the Shaman support thread and that's really more of a general HonorBuddy or PVP / BG Bot question so you may get a better response posting your question in threads specific to those. Take a look at [Plugin] BGRequeue 2 [CLICK HERE] No idea how well it works, but appears to have been written for that specific issue. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Crimson129, I only support use of the Lazy Raider Setup [CLICK HERE] I documented, but feel free to use whatever you would like. If you encounter an issue with the setup I documented, please be sure to post a complete debug log file as described in the Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. Undeadlol1

      Undeadlol1 New Member

      Dec 5, 2010
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      Ty for the feedback. As i said, my english is awfull, so i made a quick video to describe my problem (i think log file would not help you anyways). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6kdkxTi-7Y
      In this video i play restor with full basic level 70 enhance pvp gear, then i play restor in restor gear people cant kill this bot in ages. So then someone see the way bot keep facing target (see the video) for 2-5 minutes, enemy players make tickets immideatly (I 100% sure about that).
      I fully agree with you about importance of facing a target, but then it comes to bans , that becomes awfull.
      Maybe click-to-go is the solution. Thank you for your attention Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Undeadlol1, I need a complete debug log file for any issue you would like me to look into. When one isn't attach as described in the Frequently Asked Questions, I assume the poster doesn't need me to take any action. I appreciate the video, but you did a fine job describing your concern in the first post so the video doesn't provide any new information. The behavior you are referencing is by design, so while I would be willing to change it I need a good deal more information about the combat scenario.

      In addition to the details that would be present in the log file, I also need:

      1. The information about enemy player reports seems exaggerated. 100% certainty regarding multiple enemy player tickets in every battleground caused solely by the character facing its target? I'd appreciate more detail on how you verified the reports and that they were specific to this one specific facet of the bots behavior.

      2. What would you like to see the Shaman do? Describe only in terms as if you were playing by hand and no bot or programming is involved. .

      Thanks for the post,
    16. joejoe317

      joejoe317 New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      i went in a raid tried party mode, instance buddy... it just spams lightning bolt, even though i have heal only selected.
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
    18. shinavaka

      shinavaka Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      i hope this hasnt been asked yet, but am i able to use earth shield on a tank outside of instances? RAF is what im doing atm.

      Amazing cc btw +rep :D
      Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
      bobby53 likes this.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, ShamWOW will keep Earth Shield up on the group member (party or raid) identified as the Tank. Tank selection is the responsibility of the Bot you are using, but if the Bot doesn't automatically select the correct character as Tank, use the SetTheLeader Plugin [CLICK HERE] which will provide a dialog letting you pick. In PVP it keeps Earth Shield on itself. Thanks for the post and +rep, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
    20. shinavaka

      shinavaka Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Its correctly identified the leader/tank with or without the settheleader plugin, which is awesome and i use that also btw, but it will not cast earth shield on the tank, it will heal him but no earth shield, heres a log View attachment 2-22-2011_5_57 AM 3768 Log.txt - That is the shamwow CC log,

      EDIT: circumstances
      lvl 11 pally tank and 11 shamen resto
      Grinding new Party bot
      everything else works fine just the earth shield wont cast on tank, not grinding instances just 1-60
      EDIT#2: just realized im behind a version, will upgrade and see if that fixes my issue, X.x sometimes i wonder about myself
      EDIT#3 and final edit. wow its surprising sometimes what common sense fixes :D
      Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
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