Sorry but this is NOT a CC issue. If the tank is pulling to many adds and dies then I recommend you join the que for a new dungeon.
I have just tried this out, and all I can say is wow.. I've run 3 normal dungeons at level 81 and I've been complemented how great my healing is and how people wish they could have more healers like me lol. Thank you so much, keep up the good work
u can use Combat/Heal for raiding, but theres no way to disable movement. in battleground Combat/Heal does not find a player to follow, so every movement is disabled, you can try if this happens too in a raid. Or writing an own bot base a bot base that only runs rest/buff behaviors without movement (shouldn't be that hard, i think i'll try it ... should only be around 100 lines of code i think... dunno bout HB api at the moment), all other things are done by this CC very well (healing ) Dunno if u can IB configure this way, to NOT leave the group and NOT join the Dungeon queue ... this where the second way of healing in a raid But i don't think, that it'S a good idea, because most of the healers get a main target to heal ... so if u r assigned to tank1 (of 2) or to grpheal, and you'Re oom after 1/4 of the fight ... thats to bad ... okay u'll have the best hps (in a raid somethings around 10-20k) but u r somewhat of oom ^^ Using this CC for raidhealing will need some more tweaks (selection of main target to heal), i don't believe that hazard will do so BUT big thanks to hazard for this CC, and thanks to iGlide for this idea i think i'll try it this weekend, to rewrite this CC a little bit with a small config dialog for raiding. ... hope that my mainraid isn't raiding at sunday
There is a way to disable movement.... Open CombatBot.cs with any text editor located in your Honorbuddy/bots folder. Find the following line: Code: private Composite _root; public override Composite Root { get { return _root ?? (_root = new PrioritySelector( CreateCombatBehavior(), CreateFollowBehavior() ) ); } } and change the text to say: Code: private Composite _root; public override Composite Root { get { return _root ?? (_root = new PrioritySelector( CreateCombatBehavior() // CreateFollowBehavior() ) ); } } It also helps to disable any movement your CC might have.. Ie. for this one use the manual version I use this when running heroics or raids as it disable any unwanted movement or stopmovements
Ah okay, i didn'T realise that the combat bot is there as cs file, i thought it was a dll... if it's that easy, i'll advance the combat bot this way ... to check/uncheck movement, so u can use this one in it's old a way, and for raiding (group play or whereever u want to move by hand), think that's much better than out-commenting this line
Hazz, this might be asking alot but could you add a simple combat routine that when not in a party and in combat to cast IS/MF/Wrath spam/Roll LB on yourself? I ask this because the future of IB is to use it in mixed mode. Doing atleast arch while waiting for the pop would be nice, so adding a simple combat routine just good enough to kill a same lvl mob would work. Also, I don't know whats up but when I tried to use your CC in a dungeon this morning (normal Blackrock Caverns) to test it out it literally did nothing. Not sure whats up with that but I attached a log. It loads up your automatic CC goes into combat and then just sits there.
Thank you. I will try it later tonight, and hope it work. IB sometimes kick me out instance for no reason.
I must say, this is an amazing instance healer CC.. But I have experienced some issues when it stops healing during a fight, doesnt do anything at all. Just stops completely, but after the fight in a blink of an eye its back too normal again. And also may I suggest, that when the tank/other players get too low, and they have all the Hots on them, it starts too cast healing touch/nourish just too get them over the "safe limit". Thanks +REP!
Can you make a version which doesnt spam MotW buff all the time, for low levels? Or what should I delete from the .cs to make it stop?
This CC should work with low levels in dungeon normal and heroic. Make sure you have your talents set the same as the recommended ones. (Link on the first post.)
I'm having the same issue where the bot will stop casting, and then resume after the battle. Of course, the tank is already dead I was using the automatic version and found it looked too bot-ish. I'm going to try manual now.
I just had the same issue come up again where I'd stop healing. We were on the first boss in Shadowfang Keep and it happened after the first Wracking Pain. Tranquility was already burnt on a trash pull before him. I've attached a log but have replaced names to protect the innocent. View attachment 2-21-2011_3_13 PM 6556