Hi, Here is a little tip that will allow you to update all your SVN links by clicking a single icon. In order to do that, we will create a little batch file. Follow these leads : - Create a new text document, like with notepad, and name it whatever you want ("HonorbuddySVN" for me) - Copy/paste this code : Code: @echo off FOR %%A IN ( "C:\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugin\Plugin1" "C:\Documents\Honorbuddy\Routines\Routine1" "C:\Documents\Honorbuddy\Profiles\Kicks Mega.." ) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%A /closeonend:0 - You need the edit the C:\... lines in order to put the path to the SVN folders you want to update. You can add or delete lines, depends on how many folders you want to update. Keep in mind that the final result should look as the exemple. - Save your file where you want, but change the extension from .txt to .bat - When you'll clic on that .bat icon, all you SVN will look for updates ! If you want to, you can add this file to your Startup folder, so it will run when you turn on your computer. Source
Here is a post from a forum user, Nab, that may help some of you guys : Original thread link : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/124135-svn-update-batch-help.html#post1201026
I wish people still sold profiles over SVN, so we actually owned what we bought. I lost 200USD of profiles, routines and bots when my key expired and I no longer have access to that email account.
I have and Bossland told me there is nothing he can do about it. I do not believe that at all. That old email account is like 12 years old. I lost access along time ago and used HB for years with out access to it. I will not rebuy profiles or licenses until I have access back to my 500 or 600 us dollars worth of profiles.
Please use the email address Touch gave you. You can create a new account and if you can proof the old account with all your buyings belongs to you things can be moved over to the new one. Forum support cannot help you with this more sorry.