i have bought the flying pluggin but it dosent fly DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmount59855221 $3.74 USD1$3.74 USDSubtotal$3.74 USD[COLOR=#333333 !important]Total[/COLOR]$3.74 USD[COLOR=#333333 !important]Payment[/COLOR]$3.74 USDPayment sent to info@g2s.com and i have this aslo so it should work right? DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmount54413161 24.99 EUR124.99 EURSubtotal24.99 EUR[COLOR=#333333 !important]Total[/COLOR]?24.99 EUR[COLOR=#333333 !important]Payment[/COLOR]?24.99 EURPayment sent to info@g2s.comFrom amount$35.11 USDTo amount?24.99 EURExchange rate: 1 USD = 0.711763 EUR
It might take a while to upgrade you. Make sure you check your email, get the plugin key and put it into Honorbuddy when you sign in. Tell me if it works.
yes i got the key from the email i copyed and paste under the password to paid plugins and load it what do i do after that? when i try to fly in the air it drops me and says to pay for a plugin..