Have had a migraine all day. oh and i just bought GB/HB lifetime and are here for the forst time, so hello to everyone. How do i se when the hop/forum are linked?
1: a swift decapitation alsways gets rid of a severe migraine other then that ( im a biologist ) do u get em so bad that u get naucious and vomit? if so Migrafin can help u with the nauciousness. get a NSAID product like ibuprofen or triptaan ( dutch brands, i dont know the english ones ) reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and for the current pain just take paracetamol. smoking weed can help but it can also make it worse since it tightens the blood vessels aswell ( for the last poster ) 2 hello back new hb/gb user welcome to the forums 3 i dont know really. have u filled in the info on ur forum acc yet to try and link em? and have u tried logging into HB with that info?
I see I see, I'll tell a friend of mine that information. He has gotten migraine attacks since his childhood and he started smoking weed like one year ago. But he is complaining that they are getting worse and worse
i get migrains. I just take a hot shower and let the water fall o the back of your head. Good luck migrains suck
welcome, when i get migrains depending on how bad i either take some strong painkillers 30/500 cocodamol or tramadol for a bad one or if its very bad rizatriptan which brings mine on full in a few miniuts but then it will only last for a few hours instead of days, but but the best thing is a nice dark room and a big comfy bed and silence
Well on one side... Smash your left hand with a hammer a few tmies.. you won't complain about the migraine again But then again.. just kick back, step away from the comp.. get something to drink and eat, put on a good movie/show and relax for awhile
use the following combination: 1.) have a *strong* coffee or espresso with an apporpriate (depending on your weight and age) dose of metoclopramide 2.) wait for about 15 to 20 minutes 3.) have 1g oft aspirine/acetaminophene (paracetamol) why? (warning, science ) caffeine causes a vasoconstriction in the brain, thus reducing a swelling which is said to be one of the causes of the migraine, while mcp increases the speed of resorption for the aspirine/acetaminophene. after waiting for 15-20 minutes for the mcp and caffein to work, the acetaminophene/aspirine gets into your bloodstream much faster, than it normaly does, increasing the initial concentration of aspirine/acetaminophene in your blood (and (in theory) 'curing' your migraine). i have tested this cocktail more than once on myself, having a mean hangover and it worked like a charm, so if you have the ingredients, i hope it helps you as much as it helped me. but, be aware that there are risks and side effects to be considered before using this combination, and you should prabably consult a doctor before taking it
Or, or, actually. Cut yourself. It releases pain relief endorphins and will take focus off of the migraine.
Chocolate can release the same endorphins as pain... so get fat instead of suffer pain ;-) The mcp works really well but may require a prescription.. I dose myself with caffeine and try to rest when I have one come on, but thankfully it has not happened in many years. Smoking weed can help but like someone said it can make it worse.. Eating it however will not cause you to cough and will make the effects linger for longer
WATER WATER WATER..... While caffeine does all you say, it can also CAUSE some migraines. Dehydration is the leading cause of headaches and some migraines. Migraines are still somewhat mysterious. Go see you Dr. they may can help. and also, the endorphins released with an orgasm have been very effective pain relief. So try that. And next time ya wife/gf uses headache as an excuse not to have sex... DON'T BUY IT!!
A good indica strain of marijuana would help you get rid of that, i would go with edibles for a longer lasting effect.
Things that work for me: Dont know the usual names in your country but using around 0.7g ibuprofein and 0.7g parasetamol are the atleast thing you can do for yourself. (I'd tell you to go to the hospital next day and tell that your having migrenes and doctor will give you some of the good stuff to handle the migranes.) Next thing i usually do is go to DARK room, no lights no sounds. And usually while trying to rest i wet a small towel with cold-ish water and fold it nicely on my forehead (work's for bad fever's also) And try to get some sleep. If it is good day with migrene and you can throw up it away, it's miracle.