Hi my gatherbuddy just gets stuck in authenticating. Im runnning Gatherbuddy Goldseller as admin and it just gets stuck saying: Attached to WoW ProcessId: 6140. Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization I have left it on for 10 mins and it is still attempting authorization. My honour buddy works fine and i can login to gatherbuddy through the website to upload paths. Any help will be great p.s this is what it says in debug: [13:25:45:469]:Gatherbuddy - System information. [13:25:45:469]latform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0. [13:25:45:469]:Gatherbuddy executable: C:\Users\Jacob\Downloads\Gatherbuddy_Goldseller(5)\Gatherbuddy.exe [13:25:45:474]:WoW Process with ID 6140 is free. [13:25:45:790]:Attached to WoW ProcessId: 6140. [13:25:45:860]:Command line argument: C:\Users\Jacob\Downloads\Gatherbuddy_Goldseller(5)\Gatherbuddy.exe [13:25:48:965]:Gatherbuddy [13:25:48:966]:Authenticating [13:25:48:972]:Attempting Authorization
When you hit "Start Botting" it loads the path and says the name and everything and then nothing more. It won't load the bot and start going.
yes i was, It was the path i was using. Loaded a different path and my guy is up and flying this second.
Yea, i am gettig the same error "Attempting Authorization". I have loaded many paths and none of them seem to be working. Any idea on what is going wrong?