I have found a few addons that scan the ah and Prompt you to buy items at a price But you still have to click buyout when the box pops up. Is their an addon/plugin that will auto buy items with a certain name...scans the ah every .5-1 second for these items??? I need this for xfering goods acroos the neutral AH to the other faction and it is such a pain and time consuming process with the amount of goods i am tranfering over thanks in advance
protip: (assuming you're x-fering over loads of a certain item, i.e. 100's of stacks of herbs/ore) get the addon called auctionator. it will post as many stacks as you want and allow you to buy as many stacks as you want. post 200stacks of herbs, toggle to other wow, buy the 200 stacks. -HoHv2