I got a few botted toons at max level and was wondering what you guys do to get guild rep? And how quick is it? TY
Well one way i have been getting mine up was via quest profiles. Do all the High end quest areas, make sure you dont hit the weekly cap, once at cap stop questing and wait till next week. Make sure you only do high end while not at cap. When at cap do low end quests. Make sure to do all your daily limits, e.g. fishing, jc, cooking, TB, Dala. Do as many raids as possible, from what i can see all raid bosses give rep, higher the raid the more the rep. Dosnt take long to do its just the weekly cap thats the main problem, its easy to cap it within the first few days in the week hope this helps
Yup thats exactly correct. First person in my guild hit exalted about 1-2 weeks ago ish. he is the type of person who would Max his rep each week without fail, has Insane title etc. very good but spends abit to much time and he has maxed it anychance possible since release date. Dont expect this to be an overnight job