Doesn't work for me as it should. It senses that it's stuck, tries to find the land, lands and tries to use the hearthstone.... Then HB errors and closes. *Edit* I have the same hearthstone as him, so I think we had the same problem. So, it's fixed?
Should be fixed for The Innkeeper's Daughter But if its not working just go to an innkeeper and get a new one and keep both in backpack. Works for me.
Looks like all the anti-stuck points implemented so far are Eastern Kingdoms? I'm griding solely in Kalimdor, so if I get stuck, I'll figure out the coords and post them here.
Has crashed on me but I just have the standard hearthstone, was in astern Kingdoms when it got stuck, hearthed then HB crashed.
Get the new 1.1 if it crashes, and please take a screenshot of the error window (weird barely readable text that shows up) if it happens again.
Too bad you got stuck over there... Don't forget to set GB2 to resurrect at graveyard anyway, as it's the only way to survive a fatigue wall death + other strange death locations where the LevelBot corpse run behavior would fail.
Exact. Most people are grinding in EK for Zin'rokh I believe. On other continents the plugin will just land and hearthstone if stuck. Feel free to give me new stuck locations and a path of Hotspots to follow to get to a safe location.
Would love to see at least the hearthstone logic maintained into the next release worked wonders on those still occasional AB fuck ups IE flying around the big mushroom in plague wood, or any of the NE digsites with "roofs." However would love to see a ground stuck timer added back in, on like a 15 min delay.(Stuck at Nek Mani for 5hs last night because it was trying to navigate to a path that didn't exist.
I'll see what I can do to improve AB (mostly speeding up the digsite goto logic) once I'm done farming some gold on my main account.
Loving your work, AB issues lately have meant i really cant leave it unwatched.. this has helped greatly although i made the mistake of falling asleep today and for an 1hr45 minutes it stood in the bael dun dig site jumping up and down trying to mount while in combat with one of the mobs (no idea which so i just moved away rather than kill them all), anyone that passed by probably thought i was insane... at least i have the title to go with it, perhaps that would have thrown them off...*sigh* Your plugin has however made it alot better
last night my character got stucked for like 3-4 hours trying to use flying mount in some place in silithus where he got istant dismount everytime, and then he was mounting again, dismount, and so.. any fix ?
What.? did ab bugs get fixed in the hb release.? maybe some of them did, but ab still got alot of bugs.. my toons still get stucked alot in kalimdor, and cant leave it afk for a night.. Would love to see this plugin getting updated
Wouldnt use this in Kalimdor at all tbh. It unmounts you quite often when you fly up to Mount Hyjal and you fall to your death then the bot cannot corpserun you back.