Update : Looks like the new updated Singular is going to come out with the next honorbuddy build. I will continue my work on this after that singular gets released.
Starting my revision within the next week or so. Hunter and druid classes will take priority for the next two weeks as I am testing stuff with my new setup. Once I re-stabilize my first chunk of 100 gold farmers with my rework I will continue my work on the "Freemium" version of Zingular which will include decent endgame tier routines time permitting. Normally I have only done very simple logics for PvP routines that I have played to gladiator but were more assist based then anything. So this will be a big project for me and will take some time.
Hunter is done, as well as feral balance and boomkin. No resto changes. I am not comfortable releasing these changes as Singular is undergoing massive changes. My logics should be simple enough to implement but I do not wish for a buggy release which is why I am postponing posting my changes.
Waiting until I test a bit more before I release since I have been busy at work the last week. I will release when I am around for testing
So, why is it so choppy on every toon i try? as soon as I enter combat, it seems ok, then when combat is over, its jumpy/choppy.
You are not the only one with that issue. I am rewriting it I must have done something dumb when I changed hunter a while ago. This is an old version. I will have free time the next few days so I can actually test the routine and have a better version to upload
I think I may have pinpointed ONE of the issues that is causing frame rate drops across all classes. Unfortunately I do not know why it is doing it but I do know that it is one of the many possible causes as I am new to C#. I will ask some people much smarter than me and see if they can help me figure out why
Looking forward to the next release. When in combat, it looks like it is working really smoothly - just the outta combat stuff.. If you need any testing help, hit me up - I don't know squat about C#, but I have plenty of toons..
Fixed the FPS issues. Most of the routine logic is gone I will be redoing it little by little and uploading it to the repo as I go but I won't be updating here until I get enough done to really post about. If you want to test out the new changes they will be uploaded to the links below SVN Link: Requires SVN Client. Recommended: https://tortoisesvn.net/ https://github.com/Zephrym/Zingular/trunk Or Download Zip Files. Github link for Zip https://github.com/Zephrym/Zingular
If you have a specific spell you want changed let me know, I only have access to hunters for the most part right now so I can't really develop the other parts until I start remaking my alts.
Tried both the SVN and the zipfile (Which I unzapped into the "Routines" folder. I see nothing happen though, if I start Honorbuddy. No routine-choice-popup....
My main is a Hunter too - worked great. I have more problems with world quests scripts than the routines.
It should work just fine, That sounds like you did not install it right to me. The root folder is what I pushed so you should not have any quirky double folders. Double check to make sure that it is installed to something like Routines\Zingular and not Routines\Zingular\Zingular or something like that
If that doesn't work try just replacing singular with this it should be stable I have not done much outside of the FPS fixes and some random artifact spells added