It is implemented but not yet fully automated as I want it to be tested by more players before I will enable it by default. If you set "Test Mode" (settings menu) to "FelslateRank2DungeonQuest" it will automatically queue for "Darkheart Thicket" and do the quest (you may still want to monitor)
thank you mh66 , i just finished all felslate rank 2 quests on all my accounts . but what about felslate rank 3 quest ? kom will finish it automatically or not?
As some quest might still kill low chars, they are implemented but disabled by default until I have added some smart checks to evaluate if a quest is safe to do by a char. All felslate rank 3 quests will be accepted; if you want them to be performed, you will have to set the corresponding "Test Mode" from settings menu. Would you mind giving me some more information about your chars completing this quest? - How many chars have completed dungeon quest due to KoM? - Did you experience any issues?
You will have to add some more details: in which situations could this be useful, what are you trying to intend, etc.
I will add some lines so reloading should always be triggered (seems like a very rare situation prevented that)
i actually didn't try test mode yet , but i completed all dungeon quests by using dungeonbuddy and no issues at all
hello mh66 , can you make new update with new setting please? i would appreciate it if you can , because im using gatherbuddy2 everyday on suramar , and the problem is > after gathering minerals and herbs , the bot hearth / exit , or put all things on guild bank if the bags are full.
because im using more than 10 accounts , im selling things / repairing on dalaran vendor and putting things on bank by myself on each account after the bag is full.
if you can do this new setting , than i would say > ( 1 ) : sell all grey / green items on vendor exepct only one green item don't sell > ( Felwort ) < and throw the green items that can't be sell on vendor. and only sell 3 white items. the white items name >>> Fatty bearsteak / Unbroken tooth / Unbroken claw / Wildfowl egg. and repair. ( 2 ) : put all other things on guild bank after selling grey things / green and the four white items. ( if the guild bank is full , than put it on character bank. ) ( if the character bank is full , than put it on bags inside the character bank. ) after doing all things , return to suramar and continue gathering. i hope you can do this new setting it will help me and help many other gatherers.
This is a very specific request and you might rather want to look in the forum if you can find a plugin/profile providing those features or ask a dev if he will code it as stand-alone plugin/profile.
I will need a description of your issue so I know what to look for; which feature doesn't work properly, will the bot stop, etc.