Enable "Gather Grey Nodes" in settings menu PHP: [07:44:05.270 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Node blacklisted[07:44:05.270 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Name: Ghost Iron Deposit (Id: 209311)[07:44:05.271 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Guid: 8975BFB72A[07:44:05.271 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ SkillValue >= GreySkillvalue: 603 >= 600[07:44:05.275 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Node blacklisted[07:44:05.275 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Name: Ghost Iron Deposit (Id: 209311)[07:44:05.275 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Guid: 9D1C88F76A[07:44:05.275 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ SkillValue >= GreySkillvalue: 603 >= 600[07:44:05.276 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Node blacklisted[07:44:05.276 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Name: Green Tea Leaf (Id: 209349)[07:44:05.276 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Guid: 9C3340261D[07:44:05.276 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ SkillValue >= GreySkillvalue: 585 >= 550[07:44:05.278 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Node blacklisted[07:44:05.278 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Name: Green Tea Leaf (Id: 209349)[07:44:05.278 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Guid: 3E7A0F3766[07:44:05.278 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ SkillValue >= GreySkillvalue: 585 >= 550[07:44:05.279 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Node blacklisted[07:44:05.279 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Name: Green Tea Leaf (Id: 209349)[07:44:05.279 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Guid: 344EBCA3CE[07:44:05.279 D] ***** ⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ SkillValue >= GreySkillvalue: 585 >= 550
Hi mh66, really like your plugin, but it is completely over sized for me I'd rather have just the part that combines and opens items. Is there a way to extract this to a separate plugin?
As almost anything can be turned on/off in settings menu, you could turn off anything you don't want and as the plugin is open source, you could look up the coroutines for combining and opening and put ithem into a plugin yourself
I am about to release the newest build with lots of new features and fixes; if this happens with this very build as well, let me know.
yeah i wil. its a setting i really want to use. the bot likes to loot while in combat which i dont know how to fix and KoM fixes for me.
It's actually a default setting looting while still being in combat for speed looting; Will this behaviour cause issues for you?
Attached a log of one of my bots. This happens sometimes, I really dont know why. Would be great if you know what to do.
I can't tell from the log why nodes getting ignored; there's another strange error concerning travel form I will have to investigate
v3.2.72 ꙰ Bug fixed - Stuck detection will take speed decreasing auras into consideration - Some rank related items were removed due to "Remove Low Level Quest Items" - Prequests for Brimstone (Rank 3) fixed - Reload after hearthing didn't work properly - Rankhelper wasn't triggered in some situations - When char dies while trying to kill rare mob, rare mob gets blacklisted - Added timeout for looting - Low level quest threshold set to current level - 5 - Fixed isssue where char got stuck in "Switch Node" loop - Rare situation could cause "Train Traits" behaviour to bug out ꙰ Functionality added - Getting treasures - "PreferRareMobsToNodes" for "Attack Rare Mob" setting - Create and equip heirlooms - Added "Custom Loader" to load instead of AutoLoader of questing profile pack - TaxiFrame will get closed on BotStart to prevent certain bugs - Adapted MaxTime for getting node, interacting with flightmaster, etc. so it's dependent on path length - Learning Pets - Another stop setting added: "Stop Message" will scan log for specific messages - Using reputation items - Using ancient mana items - When reaching level 98, AutoLoader gets loaded in order to jump to legion quests - Added "Dreamwalk" for druids as hearth spell - Applying artifact relics - Added lockouts for dungeon quest (felslate) in order to detect if char has been locked out of boss fight - Added loot information to log - Fixed WoW bug when having read mails by reloading UI - Getting transmogrification template - Dungeon quest for felslate added - Stuck locations get blackspotted ꙰ Setting added - Get Treasures - Custom Loader - Create Heirlooms - Lern Pets - Stop Message - Use Reputation items - Use ancient mana items - Apply Artifact Relics - Get Transmogrification Template - Enable Dungeon Quest (Felslate) - Blackspot Radius ꙰ Minor change - "Prevent Hovering" renamed to "Get Off Ground" - Stop settings moved to separate category As I am working on implementing all herbalism and mining specific ranks, I will provide this chart indicating current rank coverage: MINING ꙰ Leystone # 1: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Felslate # 1: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Infernal Brimstone # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚪ ⚫ ⚪ HERBALISM ꙰ Aethril # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ꙰ Dreamleaf # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Foxflower # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ꙰ Fjarnskaggl # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Starlight Rose # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Felwort # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ # 3: ⚪ Not yet implemented ⚪ Implemented ⚫ Successfully tested ⚫
There seems to be a lot of those errors: PHP: [06:02:11.978 D] Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: Nur ein Teil der ReadProcessMemory- oder WriteProcessMemory-Anforderung wurde abgeschlossen, at addr: EEE00000, Size: 400 at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count) for Singular as well. So something has changed concerning memory reading; KoM worked with last release so I will have to figure out what is causing those errors. Keep in mind the current HB version is not an alpha but a test release
I was told anytime HB tries to cast a spell, errors are printed to log although it's working. So in my opinion, nothing to worry about.
i get the message⌠ KEEP oи MOVING ⌡ Restoring graphic mode, and makes wow crash. Recetted settings and all but doesnt work. any idea how to fix? Ps cant get into settingsmenu