Hey all! Been using this bot since friday and im loving it! using it on an alt account atm, i want to bot my hunter up, 71 atm. But its on my main account.. so would it be safer to create a new account, move the druid there and bot? worse comes to worst i could just say i gave the char to a brother. Keeping my main account "safe"? Any advice/suggestions are welcome thanks =)
Go for the gold You get caught, start again, you don't get caught awesome. Someone, don't remember who, has a signature that reads, "BOTTING IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART". All or none baby. Just do it smart. Don't leave it run for 2 days straight or something stupid. I have a habit of watching it most of the time, and maybe leaving it unattended for an hour or two at the most. Never had issues.
Listen, if you don't want to get your main account banned, don't hack/bot/ or sell gold on it!!! If you wish to keep botting, get a second account and bot on that. #1 Rule: Don't bot what you don't want to lose.
ROFL me!! Also if your account does get banned, using the excuse your brother was using it wont work since your not meant to share account's.
Works just fine if you calim to be his legal guardian ;D. I'd use a seperate account for botting, why? Well: You can use RAF and get your main a cool mount. Some free game time. Ability to level 1-60 in 2 days /played or less. Ability to use one accoutn solely for gathering so you can herb and mine whislt you raid on your main. Ability to do arena at 70/85 using your accounts together. And blah blah probably more things.
Okay, I read this all the time. What does "RAF" mean so far. In germany there was a terroristic faction called RAF in the past
Bot away man. yes, there is a chance you get banned, but be "smart" and this chance will be much lower.
I was aiming to bot with archaeology, i would also be "babysitting" it 24/7 but knowing my luck.. i would start and hb would get detected by warden and i'd be pwned :l
I run AB 12-14 hours a day on 3 different toons at the same time and haven't had any problems as of yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have 3 accounts One herbs One skins One mines They're all pretty much my mains and I've been AFKing for awhile mow and I've only had 1 whisper and it was a gold seller lol. DONT AFK GATHER IN ULDUM.