Hi, i can´t Login in buddystore/buddyauth because i have forgotten my username und Password. would be nice if someone from the team could reset the account, since there is apparently no support. Best regards
hello my problem is : This Honorbuddy version only supports WoW build 24742 and you are on WoW build 25021. This is probably an indication that WoW has been updated, and Honorbuddy also must be updated. A new version of Honorbuddy is already being worked on by the Buddy team. Please visit our forums at https://www.thebuddyforum.com/ to check for progress, or restart Honorbuddy to see if there is a new update available
This isn't were the problem is, before you try to be smart read what he wrote. https://bosslandgmbh.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You just have to wait, remeber that this is a weekend and The Staff of HB has their own life too. It's not all about you. Their is probably a bunch before you in the queue just wait.
Ironic he says before you try to be smart and for you to read, but yet he tried to be smart, and didn't read, lol