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  • Honorbuddy update

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by HB1892O30, Sep 25, 2017.

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    1. pigglestick

      pigglestick New Member

      Sep 26, 2017
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      HB is god of the public bots, there are several private bots out there the do the job 10xs better, just saying.
    2. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Not for what I use it for. No
    3. ryansawesome1

      ryansawesome1 New Member

      Feb 17, 2016
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      what do you use it for? (I'm not saying HB isn't great, I'm genuinely just curious what you use it for)
    4. sm0k3d

      sm0k3d Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      This happens every update. I've been a user since before there was a store, just a bunch of community driven routines and plugins. Money has corrupted this place. I came back because I wanted to try the latest WoW and it happened to fall on an update. I'm more pissed about my subscription which is going to waste

      also I used to have a lifetime key, botted many accounts (all for personal gain) and very few were banned. If you set it up correctly, you will be fine. I've botted on all my accounts and grind fests of 12-24 hour days and I'd say i've only had 2 accounts banned with HB. These guys are good. I do agree that a "progress" thread, but the problem with that is the Blizzard knows their progress as well and could then watch specifically for certain requests/blocks in WoW. So its a catch 22. just sit back and play some overwatch
    5. sm0k3d

      sm0k3d Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      also from another bot, that is released as "working"

      Honest input...
      We currently don't recommand anyone to bot on WoW 7.3.0 until further research are completed. Blizzard modified the game using their anti-cheat/bot framework (which they've been using on Overwatch for a while).
      That new framework has packing, obfuscation, anti-debugging, icon matching of known cheats, callstack checks, and more unknown stuff yet to be discovered, this is serious job from Blizzard and it'll take a while before we can be certains that botting is safe again.
      I'm honestly happy "as a player" that they finally do something, they made it even harder to create hacks/bots, especially for cheat/bots that are still in early developpment phases as you can no longer debug the WoW process at the moment.

      So you tell me, would you rather a company known for (one of) the best bot in WoW to release a sub-par product, or stick to their original goal of 'make the best shit possible'?
    6. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You already answered it, pal :)
      The good ol' "Better safe, than sorry" !
    7. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      I use it so I can watch porn while I play wow. Its the best
    8. Dispersia

      Dispersia New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      How can you even make a statement like that? They're private bots, you don't know what they do, they could be nearly infinitely better than HB, you don't know, hence why they're private
    9. pigglestick

      pigglestick New Member

      Sep 26, 2017
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      Considering I just got out of the private bot industry designing these things, yeah I would say that by far private bots are the way to go. They do 10x's more than the pub bots and to date I have only ever heard of 1 person being banned from a private bot. Not to mention that a private bot is only owned by a single user so the ban rates are extremely low. Getting out of the private bot scene because it was just a hobby after all so what better place to come to then here? If you're to impatient to wait I'm sure they're are several groups of programmers out there who are willing to build you a private bot for a lot of money.
    10. IronOkie

      IronOkie New Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      I've been an HB botter on-and off for years. I always used bots for personal gain, simply to save me the time I needed to farm for my professions/raid consumables. I started botting because I did not have time to both raid and farm and it was the only way for me to remain a viable raider as an adult with a family and career. Honestly, I really enjoyed watching the bot work, it was fascinating to me to see what they could do so there was an entertainment factor there for me as well. I never ran the bot in dungeons, PvP, or for the purpose of making piles of gold to keep or sell. I only ever botted on one account, and though I would run 24-48 hour sessions I never got banned.

      I'm about to get back into WoW, so naturally I checked back in to see what was going on with HB. It appears this is an interesting time for HB and WoW in general. I mention all of that to say this: If you have used HB before then you should know to ALWAYS check the forums after a patch, and before you buy a new license/sub. Anyone who has used HB before and does not do this really has no excuse.

      The team has said they will not count down time against anyone's subscription (go read the update thread, they cover this) so you are not losing or wasting money. Yes, other bots are up and running, but it's safe to assume they are detectable by Blizzard, and the next ban wave will clean their users out. I would rather wait, and have a safe bot personally. And I think it speaks well of the HB crew that they are willing to put their profits on hold / risk upsetting their user base, to make sure you all have a safe product to use.

      It sounds like some major changes have gone down, so it stands to reason that this update will take longer than expected. Could they suspend sales until they get it up? Sure, and they probably should. However, the information is right here in the forums for anyone who cares to read. Could they update us once a week? Sure, and they probably should, but they did mention the last update would be the final update, so it's not a big problem.

      It will be fixed when it's fixed, you aren't out any money while they get it updated, have some patience and relax.
    11. fedor100

      fedor100 New Member

      Aug 4, 2017
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      In defense of people who are outraged by the purchase of a non-working bot, I can say that at the time of the release of a stable version, I can be on vacation / business trip / in the hospital, etc. and I can not use the paid time. It turns out I'm guilty of everything that I bought, that I could not use, etc. By the way, I'm very surprised that the bot is still on sale.
    12. IronOkie

      IronOkie New Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      There are plenty of solutions to allow you to remotely access your system, so being on vacation or a business trip should not really be a problem.

      If you can't remotely access your system then you would be losing the time you paid for anyway, that's on the user not on HB. I understand the frustration, and yes some better communication would be nice, but at the end of the day I'm perfectly happy to know what when HB does release it will be as safe as it can be (naturally no bot is perfect). This, more than anything, is why I come back to HB every time I come back to wow. I trust them to deliver a product that is more safe than the competition even if that means the downtime after updates is typically longer.
    13. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Its like having good pussy, once you find some real good pussy all the other sluts no matter the pussy cant even compare.
    14. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Only reason private bots dont get detected is blizzard cant purchase it. The protection is guaranteed some basic bypass. Doesn't take much time. Lots of crying "private" bot lovers here waiting on HB lol.
    15. pigglestick

      pigglestick New Member

      Sep 26, 2017
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      Actually I just updated my private bot for the last time last week, all my customers are satisfied and are back to botting. I however am done with the private bot scene because of time issues and have sold off my source to a new group. So I will just be botting on that until HB get's updated.
    16. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Im sure private bots are doing 10s more than public ones, available!

      Probably because private are run by 1-2 enthusiasts in their spare time + several private customers, but public ones like HB have core team of 10+ full time developers + a few dozens of content creators like us + hundreds of community members, creating content on the forum as well and customers base of 10s thousands.

      Sec ... lemme find my tinfoil hat before continue.
      So you assume Blizzard are a bunch of high-school nerds and retards, right?
      I am afraid, they are not! So if they want, would purchase any private bot.
      But as we all know, they do not care for low-pop 3rd party tools and just let them run until they gets in their "radar" or so.
      Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
    17. MulinexMan

      MulinexMan Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      they're way to occupied deleting honorbuddy keys that were payed for and deleting forum posts about that oppression - it's like asking putin when he'll implement democracy :D
      R.I.P. honorbuddy, it died when bossland started raping his costumers
    18. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Not again the lifetime hoax, seriously! When people would grow up?
    19. pigglestick

      pigglestick New Member

      Sep 26, 2017
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      Doesn't matter if private bots got on the radar, they would have one hell of a time figuring it out. Not to mention the price is 10x's more expensive than HB. But like you said HB has way more devs and content creators. I used to sell full functional private bots that took me a long time to program but with that came no content creators but we had a network of private programmers who helped each other create different aspects and would take a cut of the sale price which last year we were selling them for around $2,000 usd. Plus to top it off our private bots had routines, dungeons, AH and several other features that spanned into the hundreds, if a customer wanted a feature added that was already a paying customer we would add it, that is the perks of a private bot, but then again you have no life when you delve in such things.
    20. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Indeed, any quality work requires alot of dedication, which usually comes with the cost of your whole time.

      While it was not the best example, I was using small and free bot like zillions of years ago, it was developed by single dev and few volunteers around him, but it was very good in therms of quality for its time, it even had several "Quality of life" feats, which even HB do not currently have now, like radar etc.
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