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  • The sad news - Honorbuddy and others

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by bossland, Nov 11, 2017.

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    1. Spitt

      Spitt New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Wouldn't it make more sense to offer to let users change the names of certain files, or window titles, rather then to discontinue altogether? Even on my site (MMOExploiters), I let people know the ways to get around these invasive programs - use a rehash utility, change the window title, increase the file size... I am sure there are methods for the users to use to get around these things. You could implement them automatically, or have them use established tools.

      On the other hand, when Asheron's Call, Rift, and DAoC got rid of the botters, the games died. I wonder if the same will hold true for WoW and their games. In the meantime, you can focus on other games still. No reason to put all your time into one game, when there are so many others to choose from now.
    2. joni1337

      joni1337 Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      if its an offline game like the gothic series or zelda/mario/pokemon, idk what type of singleplayer game you would know, i think they totally should make it open source after 10 or 20 years (after the production stops, and they stop selling it themselves)
      otherwise their work goes to waste....thast how i feel about it

      lets take the original pokemon blue and red as an example. those games dont get sold anymore, i dont even think you can buy the old gameboys
      you can only play those games as a rom on pc or if you have an old copy.
      nintendo wont make any more money from the very first pokemon games, because they dont sell them anymore.

      and idk if you know how many online recreations of those games there are (they are way better coded then the very first pokemon games, they play like smooth new generation pokemon games) but are made by third parties for online play.
      i totally feel like nintendo should release the source code for the original pokemon red and blue, because they were also masterpieces of coding for that time (but the code itself has no value in todays world, other then nostalgic value)

      almost the same goes for honorbuddy, their tool itself might still have the worth of lets call it a few million dollars (im very optimistic, its probably worth only a couple 100k if we are realistic) but lets say the source is still worth alot.

      you will make a cent from that "value" if you can also fix the detection issues.
      if honorbuddy stays as unsafe as it was in recent years, they wont make anything anymore, and even if the bot source is worth a million dollars or more, you cannot make any money with that value.

      and i fully understand that if bossland wants update the sourcecode and make it safe again, or maybe sell it to somebody else so he can do so, he cannot release the source code to the public.
      otherwise it becomes worthless and all the work is wasted (atleast the money you could get from it)

      BUT if you plan is to leave it on some harddrive and let it get dusty, please please dont do that.
      i dont think world of warcraft will be going another 15years, probably even 10years is a very optimistic.
      and if you dont plan on brining it back, i would love to see you give the community the chance to make it safe and good again.

      i honestly think you guys had big problem with detections ever since WoD , i have been banned back then alot and it seems like nothing has changed (and i honestly think blizzard didnt upgrade their methods, you are just getting fucked by them for years now, and finally gave up)
      but maybe im wrong with that guess, but thats how it felt like to me, you seemed 24/7 detected in wod already....

      i really think if you just invest some money and get some crazy talented kid to reverse warden, you would be safe again. but im also just guessing.....

      competitors seem to be safe tho....
      Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
    3. sanneh

      sanneh New Member

      Oct 19, 2016
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      Weird to see you give up just like that. I mean, I know when times get hard and you think there's no way of making it happen, but the worst you can do is give up and lose all hope.

      I mean personally It's up to you. I can live without it. Just know that you were the number one botting service, with a name and we were counting on you.

      You woulda succeeded in the end. But I guess things got so much out of hand that it wasn't worth it any more.

      Welp- as a last resort you can contact the developers of "lineage 2 adrenaline" bot at lineage2bot.com, that has advanced undetectable code with a stern record, that might give you some help in regard to your own product.

      Gl and not all is yet lost.
    4. Nevicarr

      Nevicarr New Member

      Nov 12, 2014
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      it was a good run but i cant say i didnt see this coming and wasnt counting down the days. thanks for the help over the years honorbuddy. i may have been suspended under the use of your bot once, but i cant hold that against you over the years of service.

      since cata till legion, from me, thanks for the work you did.
    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we are not selling Hb
    6. gavzta

      gavzta Active Member

      Aug 14, 2016
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      Don’t worry everything will be Ok 2018
      Tony likes this.
    7. joni1337

      joni1337 Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      i hope you guys will keep it and will bring it back at some point.

      i honestly think it should be possible to do, maybe it will be hard but im sure it can be done.
      im happy to see you dont want to sell, i prefer you guys keeping the project in your hands since i personally made really good expriences with alll your products (exilebuddy was detected as fuck as it got released, and now its probably the safest bot on the market)

      but you probably also would have said "we wont close HB" a year or two ago, my point is, great you dont wanna sell it, but maybe oppinions change and that will be a real consideration in another year or two
      thats all complete speculation on my part tho, im just brainstorming what "could" be done in the long long long run....

      for short term info/solutions, ive talked with quiet a few users of competitor bots on discord, and they seemed all fine/safe with the new changes.
      they all acknowledged tho that there were changes made to the anticheat system.
      i also get that you guys get 10000x more attention from blizz then those small devs, just saying it didnt completly screw them over.

      i noticed rebot, couldnt bypass wardens newer features at some point and closed down.

      i really hope you find some talented people who will figure it out.
      the current security team of honorbuddy sadly failed at their job completly, ive been getting bans back in WoD like crazy.
      and i botted all of Wotlk, Cata and pandaria like a mad man without and punishment.... i feel like your protection was better back then.
      Tony likes this.
    8. Kedaru

      Kedaru New Member

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Thanks to Honorbuddy, these years of fun.
      I'm a casual player, I used to use bots and did not play games. WOW is dead to me now. If in the future this company has bots for WOW, count on me, I will be playing wow again.

      Thank you again.
      gavzta and Tony like this.
    9. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      mullerhun likes this.
    10. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      Bossland team,

      It's been one hell of a ride and a fun one at that. From Wrath to now I've enjoyed the product as well as creating CR's and being with this community for the past seven years, it saddens me to see this fall. I tip my hat to you all for all that you've done, from teaching me the mastery of coding to the many friends I've gained around the world over the years, I wish the best for you on what's to come.

      - Dag
    11. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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    12. waterlord

      waterlord Member

      Jul 16, 2012
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      Started using buddy products since D3 launch, only started botting on WoW 2 years ago.
      Thanks for making the game fun and enjoyable for some of the selected few. Hopefully someone else will stand up against Blizzard, hopefully...
    13. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i missed this message of yours somehow,so to clear things a bit

      its already explained even in our wiki that Blizz was/is capable to track process names and windows titles which is an illegal action as well.
      this doesnt meant they are doing it all the time or they were doing it at the time our wiki was created,it does mean they can doi it whenever they want tho.

      in case you missed it,after some point Hb was rename the process name.
      this started when it was need about it,till that time there was no need to hide/rename Hb process

      so again,while i can understand your points they are still invalid
    14. Stormtrooper11

      Stormtrooper11 Member

      Aug 6, 2014
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      Any word on why closing Buddywing and other bots ?
    15. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Seems HB has paid the upkeep of some other buddy bots like Buddywing, so they are closing some non-profitable bots as well.
    16. wooinau

      wooinau Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm not a regular poster, but just came on to say thanks for the journey!

      I've been with HB since the early days (pre-website). Had multiple accounts.. Back in the day, I did a lot of profile testing etc.. in IRC helping out.. That was sooooo long ago. I've had far too many accounts banned now to even keep score.. Needless to say, Blizzard has taken many thousands of $$$$ from my pocket lol.

      Hopefully this isn't the end of the journey for us all, and the community bounces back. It sounds like Blizz has upped their game and maybe it is game over for now, maybe not. I personally feel that this goes far beyond WoW (tin foil hat on), and that as PC owners, we should all be concerned about what companies like Blizzard are doing out-of-process. So, all we need is to build something equivalent to Data from Star Trek Next Gen to "bot" for us and we should be good again? lol....

      Best of luck to everyone that has been a part of this, through the good times and the bad.. Cheers!
      Tony likes this.
    17. pnfnid

      pnfnid New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Then I have not used the KEY how to handle, the official website does not give refund.
    18. prinnyhater1

      prinnyhater1 Member

      Nov 29, 2015
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      email their support email they will resolve, the forum does not handle it either.
    19. Czeslaw

      Czeslaw New Member

      Nov 15, 2017
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      You guys should rethink your decision regard Buddywing, I'm sure your work time to release new version is minimal, SWOTR version often stay same even for few weeks, so why close this also?

      Second, if "The aforementioned services will however remain intact until 31th December 2017 for those that already own a license.".

      I have valid license BW, where I can download new versions for game client?
    20. hhumas

      hhumas New Member

      Apr 15, 2017
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      well i purchased 2 key for HB 3 month single session . once on 27 Aug , other on 4 sep. didn't even used both because 1 month bot stay offline . after that ban problem and now its fking closed . just wasted 50 Euro .
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