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  • Lifetime Key expiring

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by luciferious, Aug 30, 2018.

    1. schopenhauer

      schopenhauer Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      The thread he pointed to makes this more aggravating. He gave a large chunk of time/notice to the users of those bots, yet we got nothing. Thanks for pointing to a thread where users of the other bots got a courtesy notice somehow as an explanation of why we basically got booted with little to no warning and a shrug.

      Don't particularly agree with it either way, but a notice like that thread for users of this bot should have been given bare minimum. Shit not only did we not get any sort of notice, we didn't even get a new post. We got a recycled post, and zero indication or capability to figure out what we would like to do if we were going to be scammed into buying another key or moving to another option.
      luciferious and plsrespond23 like this.
    2. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Hello community,

      Bossland contacted me earlier today about the level of revenue RB has generated over the last 6 or so months. In the past my salary was partially supported by the income generated by the other offerings we had available. With the closure of pretty much every other piece of software that means we must lean harder on the income generated by RB to pay not only my salary but the servers used to provide navigation but also authentication etc. When I approached Bossland, et al about RB way back in if its infancy I was adamant about having a reoccurring payment structure instead of a lifetime session option as I did not want such a situation as now to take place. While I am not happy with events that took place and were not privy to its consideration I am sympathetic to both parties. If we cannot generate enough income to cover costs of operation then action must be taken. If nothing was done then the value of these keys would become zero anyway as development and support would have to end. I have already taken a 50% cut in salary last year which I then further opted to split so that we could keep MGramolini and then ZZI on the team in order to fund their continued development on what I considered essential additions to the rebornbuddy community.

      If my understanding of the situation is accurate all lifetime keys issued in 2014 have been ended. I understand the frustration felt by those effected, thinking that they would have access to RB until the product was dead. I ask those effected to please consider the value you've gotten from RB over the years, the cost paid divided by every hour logged. Also that the original rebornbuddy has been dead for over a year now. While RB64 provides the same API as the original, it is an entirely new creation. When RB64 was going to be released I was urged that the products should be kept separate. I felt strongly that it was in the communities best interest to allow users to who had already purchased RB to have access to RB64 so that 3rd party developers would be compelled to make sure their creations worked on both.

      To those who complain about the lack of support, I'm sorry. RB's code base has almost entirely been developed solely by me. I've had some help reversing a few difficult items from Main and ZZI. When I started out I knew that it would be impossible for me to single handily provide botbases and routines that would excel in every activity. Instead I focused on empowering 3rd party developers by providing the best API possible so that they would have the tools needed to create anything they wanted and that they would be able to help fill in the areas where the base program lacked. I hoped that a strong community would develop around RB as it did with HB when it was in its prime. As for the lack of recent additions, something that is not well known outside the closet 3rd party developers is that my health took a major turn for the worse shortly after heavensward release. Since then I deal with chronic debilitating pain every day that makes it hard to focus and work. I had strong ambitions for features that I wanted add to RB that have since been tapered. While my ability to add new features and functions has slowed I always strive to have the bot updated for the latest version of the game as quick as possible.

      I will look into extending the keys effected to give time as was done with the other bots.

      With all that being said I hope you can understand why these actions were taken and that you understand that I will endeavour to continue to provide the best possible support for RB for as long as it is possible.
      y2krazy likes this.
    3. plsrespond23

      plsrespond23 New Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      And yet all those users of those other bots received at minimum a 24 hour notice before their shit was canned, we didn't even so much as get a 1 hour notice before our keys were terminated. This feels like it was all a ploy to get us to switch overnight from yearly keys to monthly keys. I hope you understand that I will no longer be giving my business to this bot as other competition exists that is much cheaper for essentially the same product minus 1 or 2 features.
      greenty and schopenhauer like this.
    4. Mystic

      Mystic Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      Thanks for the update. Heres hoping for a lil extension to least get to payday...
    5. luciferious

      luciferious New Member

      Aug 6, 2013
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      I am sorry to hear about your personal issues, but in summary they knew that revenues were falling and did not warn us this was coming as they did with those that subscribed to Demonbuddy and Honorbuddy, when we are the community that is holding the company afloat? They could have made a simple post, a week ago, a month ago, or even days ago, and at least shown us the respect we deserve. They have had months to make a simple post, but instead they just ignored it, and didn't even announce it. They just removed the key from our account and made it expired.

      That is not how you fix falling revenues, that is how you put the final nails in the coffin.
    6. overlord2000

      overlord2000 Member

      Apr 17, 2016
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      I understand the expenses to keep the bot active, the time I used and everything else, but when I bought it, it was said to be lifetime, now I do not think I even think about saying that word to you.

      But I insist, I bought because it was very explicit, "lifetime", there is no other definition for this, unless the key does not work anymore, or another product is released, and the previous one is dead, but I have the same version, same key, and simply overnight it expires.

      In my opinion, before expiration, it is necessary to advise with a good deadline, I warn you that the product no longer exists, since lifetime license, until the product you are using, no longer has access, that is, Rebornbuddy64 <<<< was using it, I understand it is 64bit and all but improvements, but the license is uncertain when the product being used, simply dies, is no longer allowed to be downloaded, supported, and released a new.

      Sorry for the outburst, I bought lisberth addon to assist in crafts.
      RockingRuby and nacho like this.
    7. Muiramas

      Muiramas Member

      Apr 7, 2015
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      Hey, RB64 is a different product

      Those saying "You won't get my business anymore"

      You haven't been giving reborn your business for awhile, Get a grip.

      But what Reborn can offer is a lower price because it offers less then it's competitors.
    8. plsrespond23

      plsrespond23 New Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      You're right, RB64 has broken everything. Even the palace bot is an utter shitpile compared to what it once was. The navigation is broken, and we have to rely on an outside community developed fatebot because the one included with the bot is fucking horrible.

      This product sucks, and is not even worth the 14 euros a month.
      Kirbychan, Nikubun and schopenhauer like this.
    9. Nikubun

      Nikubun New Member

      Aug 30, 2018
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      As much as your situation sucks and is relatable mastahg, it really does not paint a good picture of Rebornbuddy's future. The prices are simply too high to justify, as really all you're doing is paying for the ability to pay for Lisbeth. Any other feature Rebornbuddy has is done better by MMOMinion which is cheaper and better supported.
      Kirbychan and schopenhauer like this.
    10. luciferious

      luciferious New Member

      Aug 6, 2013
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      Oh yes I have. I have been paying for a monthly key for my fiancee. Many of us are in that position.
    11. Naus

      Naus Member

      Feb 20, 2015
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      You could have empowered the community by letting them have a store page like Honorbuddy.

      Instead you guys purposely went out of your way to kill third party developers and forced them underground.

      Fine, tell us last minute that the rug is being pulled under our feet. Treat us like shit. But don't you dare think that you guys are entitled to 'forgiveness, and understanding" when you've set the standard for shitty communication. I would have gladly paid extra to keep the bot running if it was on hard times. I've poured almost 500 dollars into this stuff. You want my help? You want me to feel sorry for you? Treat me with some respect. Don't try to con me. Don't try to scam us. Treat us as you want to be treated.
    12. Muiramas

      Muiramas Member

      Apr 7, 2015
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      Good perhaps you'll stop using Lisbeth and I'll be able to hold mass presence over the market board.

      I will be personally donating RebornBuddy64 to Saga for 2 years to keep him working on it.
    13. schopenhauer

      schopenhauer Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Wasn't required, they sold a lifetime key. Sorry you missed out, but don't point fingers at us for purchasing what they sold.

      Not to mention this is mostly over the fact they gave zero notice, not just that they were switching over.
      Kirbychan and luciferious like this.
    14. plsrespond23

      plsrespond23 New Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      lmao enjoy your dead bot, now that the lifetime key is gone all the developers will jump off this sinking ship.
      luciferious likes this.
    15. Muiramas

      Muiramas Member

      Apr 7, 2015
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      I owned 6 life time keys, but I only ever used 1 so whatever.

      I've also accumulated over 6 billion gil.
    16. schopenhauer

      schopenhauer Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Makes sense.
    17. celmaisef

      celmaisef Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Last year, Rebornbuddy 3 sessions for 1 year was 59,99.
      Today you can only get 6 months for 59,99.
      And please do share what you developed in the past year, because we all know there wasnt any big developments. Thank god for the community, otherwise this bot would have been dead long time ago.
      I had 6 lifetime keys, now I have to invest 6x59,99 euros in this, every 6 months..
      Bring back the 1 year keys for 59,99 and you have a returning customer.
      But for 59,99 for 6 months... its too expensive. And you know why? Because there are basically no new updates, the core of the bot is getting updated on patches and that's it. Zero new features or profiles, but you ask for more money. Add more features and I'll gladly pay.
      And this is coming from a guy who owned dozens of keys of demonbuddy,honorbuddy and rebornbuddy in the past 8 years.
      I'd gladly stick to RB, but please add some new things or make it cheaper! And not more expensive, especially if you aint gonna develop anything new...
      luciferious, Nikubun and plsrespond23 like this.
    18. cloud1771

      cloud1771 Member

      Apr 14, 2015
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      I started using RB about 6mo before HW and got my wife hooked on the game so got another 2 keys so we could have 3 chars and all crafts... I get RB64 is a new product and would gladly pay another lifetime key. However, $60 a yr for me to have Combat Routine that i paid for those as well. then the game sub. the game is not not that important to pile on Monthy or even bi-yearly subs. on top of more subs.

      That being said i would like to thank you for all the years of fun you have giving me any my wife playing...I will probably just cancel FF14 too and move other other games non-sub non-mmo games. It will be something we have to discuss and make a decision within the week.
    19. peerpressure21

      peerpressure21 New Member

      Aug 28, 2017
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      I understand the need for a rolling subscription, but they've doubled the price of the bot as well. As someone mentioned, a year key for 3 sessions used to be 59.99 now that price only covers 6months?!

      What do we get for that? More support for ZZI, for Mastagh? For us? Sure as shit doesn't look like it.

      This is no longer a lower price than competitors. This is a really expensive bot.
      Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
    20. Mystic

      Mystic Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      Ok. ENOUGH with the bashing!
      1st off, This is NOT Mastahgs fault! While his health situation may impact updates and so in a manner you may want. That does NOT mean the community devs have abandoned any of you.
      Those claiming the devs will jump ship. The answer is "no" that isnt happening. Those who are on the discord know this. Do you have a right to be bitter? Yes. The lack of communication from bossland was poor on this.

      RB has been a home to you all, its worked, it has support, custom functions that minion doesnt have. Nothing is perfect. Perhaps with a monthly sub, that means Mas does get more from it. However those who want to say "Time to leave" well.. thats your choice of course.. however does not mean the core community would leave with you. This is more of a "Knee-jerk" reaction to the situation.

      Botting in XIV is where you hang your home actions with... If something works for you, you stick with it. RB and Minion Alike. Sure there can be pros/cons to either, but lets be real.. no one here has had such a crippling time on RB...

      So again, lets drop the hate bashing as ALL that does is tell the person who does work on it, to just drop dead and stop.. That isnt supportive to anyone. Now if you want to be more proactive. That would be to come up with ideas on how to tell bossland to make it more competitive priced to be of value. Work toward solutions. Not toward the next flame war featured on reddit for us to eat popcorn with.
      snakedisorder and Saazbi like this.

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