I, and many others I guess would love to do some 2VS2 Arena for points. I have tried partybot, IB etc but either they wont move or attack. Can we please get an update regarding theese issues? I would love to do some arena with a follower. I have made several posts regarding this, but I dont get any answers, and I am starting to get abit anoyed.
Well it is something that is not currently supported. But if you wanted to try your hand at coding a plugin or bot base. I'm sure you could get some help with it. But getting annoyed cause no one else wants to make one for you is stupid.
Look, probably the dumbest thing is botting in arena . We can't do it, until we have proper Customclasses for Arena, and good PVP behaviours.
Im not getting anoyed because noone will make it, im anoyed because I never get a proper answer, and maybe a solution. There is a ton of different plugins etc, and it takes alot of time to find out if they work. Its a simple questin I have asked many times, is it possible to have a follower in Areana that will heal my manual played toon.
Look, I have used IB and Esemble, and on two of my toons I have 7 wins, 12 loss and 3000 points on each. I dont care if I loose 90%, I just want the points.
Have you tried RAF maybe? That should make your healer / other DPS follow you and attack your target. If you are trying to do it 100% afk though, I dont know of any plugins currently to make that happen.
Thats not about the points man You will be banned after several matches. A non-botter probably will not spot you, but a botter ,like everyone here knows you are a bot after your first movement.
It should be possible to do with the PartyBot, it's not safe nor guaranteed to do. I once did WSG with 4 partybots + me playing the leader, did go somewhat well, had lots of fun the PartyBot is very buggy in pvp tho, can't recommend it.
How do you know that I will get banned? Im just playing togheter with an extremely unskilled friend If you have played Arena on low rating you would know that there is alot of players who do it just to get some points. Not everyone want a 2200+ rating Ive tried several times with partybot, but my toon wont heal me. Only thing that worked for a while was IB, but it crashed every time i zoned out, even if I stopped the bot first. Playing arena is just good fun if you do it duo with a bot, and when you win its even more fun. Nesox, could you look into this regarding the stability, and why the CC's wont react please?