Typically OrderBot will not attack mobs that are claimed by other people, even if those people are NPCs. Is there a way to override this? I'm hoiping maybe there's a xml condition that I don't know about that I can put in the grind tag to make sure it attacks all mobs, not just those unclaimed. For example, in part of the Ghilty Dark dungeon you have to kill all the bad guys to proceed and the NPCs help you. If you don't kill the mobs, the gate stays up and you can't proceed until they are dead. The NPCs do eventually kill it but it takes a good 10 minutes because they suck.
Yes, they are Code: Schola Avenger 0x2AC27EDB9D0, IsVisible: True, IsTargetable: False, CanAttack: False, CurrentHealth: 8510648, FateId: 0, Location: <60.21192, 43.50992, -3.576775>, TappedByOther: True To be clear, I CAN attack the mob if I right click it or another AOE move hits it.
IsTargetable:False, looks like you pulled data for the background mobs instead of the ones you can actually fight. I went there and checked the targetable units and they return true for both canattack and istargetable. So its just TappedByOther that would need to be adjusted, but this gets called very frequently for all mobs so I will need to consider carefully how to adjust this as to not have a performance impact.
Could it be added into part of the grind tag as a conditional? Code: <TargetMob Id="8261" Weight="1"/> Maybe add AttackTapped with a default of false? That way already existing stuff wont' be effected but we can turn it on when needed.
The code that checks the tappedbyother is like 3 layers away from the orderbot code and is used in other places, so no.