This is indeed untested, profession bags could do some funky shit. I'll try to implement them in the near future. Looking into it. To be honest, I haven't got a clue, I've made this profile solely with the PB GUI. If i recall correctly there's no reason why it currently shouldn't. Your safest bet is to just try it. ----- I've been working some more on new features / bugfixes, although the version I'm currently using seems to contain some bugs, I'll try to get a stable release later today. I've also noticed some interesting capabilities of the lua injector, so I might end up completely rewriting this profile to Lua later this week to improve the reliability and to add some features I currently can't. I'm also doing this because it's gradually getting quite hard to debug the current code, if a function isn't working properly then it can either be my code or PB's. By making sure PB's doing exactly what it's supposed to do I can make sure the bugs are confined to my code.
Where can i adjust the price to buy or not buy anymore ore from the AH? If its over a certain amount per ore.
I guess it only works fully on english realms =\ Buying from AH and withdraw from mail are not working for me.
Honorbuddy has always had an "issue" with profession specific bags. Basically it still counts those as valid inventory spots even if whatever you are trying to make/loot can't go into them. Easiest thing to do if you're using anything with HB is to not use profession specific bags.
U mad bro? Did i just make your super-profitable market trick public to the whole world? Besides making it fully automated ofc. Look for the "Buy Item From AH: 53038 x240" part, if you can't find it, just click on the [+]. Click on the AH part, then look for "Max Buyout" in the lower part of your scree. This is the value per ore, so x20 for a stack. Again, will be more easily configurable once i replace it with custom code. Yeah, the issue is actually a pathing error. This will be fixed in the next release, please move it to a different AH than the Valley of Wisdom one. I'd like to recommend Dalaran.
This will be amazing once it stops buying more ore before the gems are cut and sold! much props!!!! waiting patiently for abit more stable rls
New version! Changes should include: - Will now vendor at all possible NPCs - Guild / personal bank should now work - Should no longer try to continue crafting when your bags are full - Number of vars used greatly reduced - Should now attempt to vendor gems more reliably And quite a few other things i came across which probably weren't important enough to remember. I'll leave the old version up in the start post, just in case i missed a huge, yet sneaky bug.
It'll simply not work anymore for no one (even for yourself) if too many people will do this. If you don't think it's like that, tell me on which server you usually do this trick on and we'll see if you'll still be so proud of making it unprofitable.
I've got a great idea for you, it consists of the direction off, and something you can do to it. If you don't like the concept, I guess you could just not bother commenting. This is how this bot develops, with people contributing.
As I said before, I'll officially support Elementium once I've rewritten some functions. In the meantime, just open the profile with a text editor and replace every instance of the number "53038" with "52185" and it should work. On a sidenote, the newest release of HB has added some new features and bugfixes to PB, I'll probably be able to replace some of my custom code with default PB functions, which should hopefully increase the reliability. Also, if you have any issues with the main loop exiting early (Should look something like "I'm in a loop!" followed by a "Profile completed!") , please make sure you update to the latest PB version. In regard to the so-called destruction of the market, I couldn't care less. First of all, you're most likely not on my realm, and that's the only one i could care about. Secondly, if I cared about my own market, would i have released this profile? By releasing this profile I'm also increasing the chances of having an enforced minimum AH price for ore. If for some reason your JC profit isn't high enough, switch to mining and enjoy the guaranteed demand. So yeah, x11r6, I'd love to release my server names, if it wasn't for the fact that people like you just couldn't resist doing everything they could just to report me. Infernik, I'm not yet sure what exactly is causing your issues, I'll look into it as soon as I get a chance to review the code in regards to the new PB release.
I dont get why ppl are sooo butt hurt over this. I dont see a shit ton of complaints on the mining/herb profile threads about botters driving down the profitability. Imo this is no diff ... i personally used this to clear the ah down to bout where stacks were 45g+ and left it alone for 24hrs til the buyout price went back down... ppl will always undercut and ur profit will return just be patient. Again love this thing ... if may now officially be my fav profile on this site =)
My toon tries to Craft gem from Hassionite, but there is no such gem in bag. (Edit: fixed by restart) New bug: My toon wont cyckle through the different guildtabs, result: Also, is there a solution regarding mounting? Toon get stuck in the doorway both in Ah, GB and Vendors. Maybe forward this to the devs?
Just wondering why it keeps trying to make gems out of hesonite even tho I dont have any Hesonite in my bags :/
is there a way to bid on items? I've only seen MaxBuyOut but i'll need MaxBid Because on my realm the raw gems are sold for 7g bid and 9g buy per item -> so i can make a good profit from bidding on the raw gems instead of buying the ore^^ This is also a shuffle, but only one step later (we r skipping buying and prospecting ore, we buy gems) This should be implemented to max the profit a little bit ... so if there's a way to bid on items, i would advance your profile to bid on gems (should only be 6 or 7 more entrys after the maxbuyout of obisium ore)
Now when I try to start it I get this after I restarted wow and HB: Seems it resumed after I deleted 2 pieces of ore in my bag. Maybe the solution is to check how many ores there is in the bag, and go to the next step in the cyckle if ore < 4 ? Edit: Even though i answer no on the mail option my toon will go to mail.