There is a new Blizzard store mount comming out, i think it's killer :>.. Blizzard Store Mount - Winged Lion
They made about 3 million dollars in 24 hours on the celestial and said that some of that was going to charity, when people feed blizzard like this they will keep doing it over and over.
Yeah, I think they did the same with lil'kt and the brewmaster companions. Makes people feel a little better about spending money on pixels.
Wait...the exchange of real world currency for in game merchandise...isn't that against Blizzards Terms of Service?
Do not want. I barely use a mount, what use it is. I can teleport to dungeons, I can teleport and use flightmasters and boats to get around. The AH is next to the bank.. lolz. Give em soemthing I can see all the time, some cool ceremonial armour, a trinket to disguise myself as a panda for an hour. Then I'll pay moneys.